~Back to the present~

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~(credits: @AtlasAchlys on Pinterest)~

~(Tw! mentions of drug abuse, alcohol abuse)~

~(Present time)~

~(Jason's POV)~

"Scott..." Jason tears choking him, tried to step closer to Scott only to be shocked with his actions.

"No. No no no no, this can't be happening! Stay back! I- " Scott felt the fear that he had dug deep down inside rise to the surface. His emotions all over the place fear, anxiety, anger. He was clutching at his ears blocking out Jason's hateful comments of the past . Stopping the emotions from taking over.

Only now did Jason realise how much he had tortured the man before him. Only just recalled the damage inflicted. He had been a mess since that day. Hopping from one person to another, until the world caught up to him, causing him to turn to drugs, alcohol anything that numbed the pain, stopped his heart and made him forget. He had been a fool. He shouldn't of come to Scott, he knew it but ignored it. He needed someone to turn to.

Scott fell to his knees. His mind gave in. The damage was to much.

"Look... Scott i know how you-"

"Don't you dare say you know how it feels" Scott cut off Jason gaining adrenalin " You did not go through the pain I did. I had to change myself to satisfy your needs, your addictions. You did so much to me." 

" and after all i did for you...you still fucking cheated on me!" "I didn't care, I ignored it keeping our relationship stable!" Scott was trying to get the point to Jason he didn't care what he wanted, all Scott wanted was for him to be gone.

Jason was bewildered, a once caring and beautiful person had turned spiteful, angered but lead by the fear of the past. He knew everything Scott said was true but he denied it.

"What about me did you never care then Scott?"                                                                                                     "I cared so much about you that i forgot about myself Jason." The harsh words that were spat at him changed the meaning of what he had done. He was trying to understand. So he could change but that would never happen. He had fully broken Scott's heart

"I want to make it better please Scott?" Stumbling on his words, Jason gave a smile.


Jason couldn't believe it, he was sure he was wrong but he wasn't Scott had slapped him. And it godamn hurt as well, his tender face reddened at the sudden force, He stumbled back nearly falling over.

"The next time you turn up it'll be worse than a mere slap, Stay away from me." and with that Scott slammed the door shut, before locking it. 

~(Jasons POV)~

He just slapped me! I just wanted to apologize. Did I break him that much?

~(Scotts POV)~

I watched as Jason turned around and got in his car. Had he solved the problem or did he make things worse for the future? His eyes stopped the waterfall of emotions. His brain protecting himself from the trauma, making him forget and quickly changing to another topic completely different from the recent events.

"Where is my Pizza? I ordered it like an hour ago." Checking his phone, he saw there had been an accident on the main road and the delivery got stuck but should be arriving soon. "Well there's my answer"  If someone had watched Scott's reaction they would be shocked by the pairs' quick mood swings.

A knock startled Scott causing him to jump out of his skin. sigh . He carefully stumbled to the door, with a quick gulp and a reassuring breather and then he opened the door to a tall, Handsome man.

"Hiya mate, I am so so sorry about how long I took! I understand if you want a refund i'll give it to you now personally, It's just hard to deliver pizzas if the road is blocked from an accident.." Worry spread through the man with a clear British accent.

Scott was too stunned to speak, He was too busy staring at the gorgeous features of the figure before him. Dark brown hair covering  his soft skin, his hazel eyes glistening in the light looking down at Scott.

"Hey buddy? You okay mate?" The Pizza boy confused and worried he'd done something wrong.

"Oh! Sorry yeah of course! um I don't need a refund ! It's fine I'll just heat it up" Scott smiled trying his best to reassure him. "I'm Scott by the way! Scott Major"

"Oh okay then!" Thrilled he had met someone nice even after an hour wait, smiling back "I'm Nico! Nico Villan" He turned around to leave unwillingly.

"Hey before you go.. What's the chance i can get your phone number?" Scott built up all his courage as this was probably the last time He would see Nico.

Nico screamed internally "Hm, Oh yeah of course you seem like a nice guy!" He passed his phone to Scott "Here just add your phone number!" Scott did the same.

"Right, great I can't wait to talk to you later!" Scott waved at Nico smiling like a puppy, his eyes wide. Nico waved back before getting in his Car and driving off, back to his house finished with work for the day.

Scott watched him drive away. He ran inside forgetting to lock his door and set his pizza on his kitchen top, to which he immediately called Lauren.

~(sorry for the late upload)~

~(900 words)~

Scott Smajor An emotional rollercoaster ~(first book)~Where stories live. Discover now