~The Truth~

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~(Credit: @EnkaiZero on twitter)~

~(tw! shouting , throwing objects , Drinking, mentions of adult activities, gore, panic attacks)~

~(1125 words)~

~(No ones POV)~



"What could i have possibly done now i've been upstairs all day" Scott's voice trembling mixed with his scottish accent was enough to anger the louder man.

"WHAT DO YOU CALL THIS?? HEY?!" The infuriated man shouted at him , making him shudder shoving a clip of the streamer to his face. It was a video of Scott jokingly flirting with a blond haired man. "Jimmy" whispered Scott trying his best to hold himself together.

"WELL?!" If Scott messed up now it could be the end of him or his career.

Scot clears his throat, feeling the burning sensation from swallowing his tears "Well... I was just having some fun but it was in the past! Before I got with you! I would never do that now.." This was a lie of course the video that was being shown was a cut from his stream 2 days prior.

"O-oh, well then i'll be off i need to go see a friend." The man falling for his 'mistake'.

"Which friend babe i thought Kristina was in America this year?"  Scott asked gaining confidence, although he knew the answer, he still felt the need to ask. "And Casey doesn't live in this area."

"Why do you need to KNOW! GOD YOUR SO CONTROLING SCOTT!!" Jason knew what he was doing and it was a tactic that Scott could see through, placing the blame on someone else, Jason was in fact going to the pub on Arnold Road to get drunk and hook up with someone new.

"Right okay, i'm sorry babe..." Questioning whether he should say anything else, once again in panic, he stuttered "Just don't bring them home this time.." With a sigh he started walking upstairs again to edit a few upcoming videos. Just as he reached the fifth step a plate was thrown at him only just missing his head. The Plate shattered behind Scott, the neighbours' were getting worried, He touched the side of his cheek only to wince in pain. He was bleeding.

Scott now with his eyes foggy and cheek throbbing he ran upstairs to the bathroom struggling to get out his first aid kit "This darn box, WHERE ARE YOU."  A burst of anger rushing through his veins, he slammed his fist into the mirror, causing it to fracture into tiny pieces. His eyes struggling to stay open. He had lost too much blood.

~(Jason's POV)~

Short breaths spread throughout the angered man. A flash of realisation ran through his mind "I need to get..." pausing for the thought of the injured man that was cursing, struggling upstairs. Should he help him or would he make it worse. Settling on the decision of leaving, he determined the relationship between the toxic couple. They were no more as of that day.

"I'm leaving Scott, this is the end!" Jason didn't know why he reacts like he does but after slamming the door he runs to the pub to meet Camilla his favourite bartender.

"Holy jesus, Jason what happened man?" Already making his usual order.

"Relationship problems?" He answered still trying to figure out what was going on and what had happened, Scott racing through his mind like an annoying song that is always just there.

"What your original toy figured out what you'd been doing?" She snickered " I told you that he would find out, if i wasn't a real friend i would of called you a sick individual and left you already" 

"Well....He acted like he already knew about what had happened?" The confused man explained yet not knowing if what he was saying was true.

"All i'll say man is just move on there ain't no reason to be so upset about it ..honestly" The tired Bartender carried on.

Those words stuck to Jason, They struck his heart and chained his soul, he would never be the same after that. 

"How many times have i been drunk and hooked up with someone Camilla?" 

She thought for a minute "Somewhere close to 30+ times this year-?"

"Let's make that  10,000 times more" A grin spread on the man's face, the words of a drunk man echoing through the pub.

The bartender took this as a signal to make more drinks, the entertainment the bartender got from seeing Her best friend just going with people then coming back craving for more, the people not to be seen until the next day...Was one of a kind

~(Back at the house)~

~(No ones POV)~

"I'm leaving Scott, this is the end!" 

All Scott heard was the fast thumping of his heart filling the room. accompanied by his sobs and sharp breaths. He was in pain everywhere. It wouldn't stop. He couldn't close his eyes to rest. He slumped down to the floor, blood stained his clothes. The realisation just hit, He was free, but at what cost, what had Jason left him with, The burden, the fear that nothing would ever be the same?

A repetitive knock came from his front door. He stood up to see Flashing lights outside and his worried neighbours. The police. Worry traced his face. The repetitive knock came again bout this time, reminding Scott of the pain that he had caused," Jason it was all Jason! He did this me separating me from my friends!" . He begged for his body to stop, to end it then but as a more forceful knock came from the police the darkness ate away at his vision.

Panic spread through his body sending chills down his spine, he struggled to concentrate the world spun around him. His shallow breaths sharpened.

A scream so loud it could shatter glass, full of pain.

The police started searching rooms, the stench of alcohol was an obvious giveaway that an alcoholic had been there. Not long after breaking in they found him, Shaking in fear, in the corner of the room, looking like a murder scene. 

"my faul- His fault" Is the last thing that he said. The blood loss catching up to him.


The neighbourhood was not getting sleep that night as the rumours spread about the murder, the robbery, no one knew but theories were made.

Scott Smajor An emotional rollercoaster ~(first book)~Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora