chapter 4

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Bullying and angst


She had been taking the pills for awhile things seemed alright and she was able to go back to school as she couldn't miss anymore days as it was stressful enough with fall exams coming up and a couple of things were different about her ever since she started taking those sleeping aids she was focusing a lot more in her classes exceeding past most top students in her class she was a little bit more social with her friends which was relief to her friends she started keeping a diary to keep all her thoughts in everything seemed to be going back to normal







Right ? if only things ended that well

Some days have passed her sleep was starting to dwindled she often took her usual variant of her usual medications and the sleeping aids that she had been taking she couldn't sleep anymore no matter how hard she had tried so many thoughts had kept her awake she started to forget things a lot more her hair was starting to look more matted as if she hasn't brushed her hair in a long time dark circles seemed to be forming under eyes she had stopped applying concealer her scars were showing all the time now she always looked worn down from the studying she was doing the bullying she was already suffering from by Tiffany has gotten a lot worse contributing to her already deteriorating mental state calling her slurs and many other insults they even started calling her Metracidal Andi Hearing them use her late grandmother's name as an insult deeply enraged her on the inside remembering all the wonderful memories she had with her grandmother and with her mother when everything at home was fine


A little girl with a red and black dress was a skipping through a fresh Meadows of wild lilacs and sunflowers on a beautiful spring day after a harsh winter the Little girl was comforted The dewy scent that filled her nose while the little girl was picking fresh lilacs her grandmother was calling her to come home "Cynthia My dear come home your mother and I made your favorite blueberry muffins" The Little girl beamed with such happiness as she skipped home with her pigtails being held by black ribbons bounced out of her hair and blew into the soft spring breeze while skipping off into The distance with her basket full of lilacs and sunflowers with her grandmother and mother waving at her with smiles on their faces that looked so bright and cherry as the young girl skipped inside her home and her grandmother was sitting at a wooden table that looked very old but yet beautiful while holding a cup of tea in her hands while her mother served a tray of freshly baked blueberry muffins The scent of The muffins made The girl's mouth water she sat next to her beloved grandmother setting her basket of lilacs and sunflowers down in her front of her that gain The attention of her grandmother who had a shimmer to her green and violet eyes as she sat her cup of tea down "are those lilacs and sunflowers my dear?" The small child nodded and a smile formed on her grandmother's lip as she gently picked up one of the lilacs and sunflowers "your grandfather used to give me sunflowers all the time to show how much he loved me and always reminded me to never lose faith and I always gave him lilacs to show him much he made me happy" her grandmother's eyes started to gloss up a little bit death had taken her grandfather too soon as a petal fell from one of the lilacs the little girl hugged her grandmother  with such warmth and embrace "please don't cry grandma grandpa never wants to see you sad if he's watching you right now he would be sad too" her grandmother wiped her teary eyes while smiling having her granddaughter and everyone around her to remind of just that "your absolutely right my dear and I want you to promise me something" the little girl little looked at grandmother with innocence in her eyes "what is it grandma?" Her grandmother said with such warmth in her voice to her young granddaughter "promise me you will love everyone around you and keep them close and cherish them you have with them do you understand my dear?" The little girl beamed at every single word that came from her beloved grandmother "of course I promise Gramma" ​​​​​they both started humming a special song that they both came up with together as the humming became very faint and distant as the little girl's mother had joined in on the humming with her daughter and grandmother birds singing the breeze as time stood very still

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