Ancient Maga Wolf

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Rose Laid Roman on the bed with dark herbs on him she did the spell: Sit senex et fortis! Sit senex et fortis! SIT SENEX ET FORTIS!. The candles were shaking, roman was floating as he absorbed 1000 years of powers. He became the Ancient Maga Wolf and then they planned how to stop the witches and wolves who were coming to kill them. The plan was to talk it out and offer peace when they came. The wolves were in their true form. Witches with candles Roman Said: Stop! For i am 1000x stronger now the wolves and
witches feared him they said fine we won't attack as long as you don't force witches or wolves to transition Roman had to transform to his wolf side to claim the power of it when he did his fur was red he was bigger and golden bright eyes only the alpha in wolf form venom could kill any species of any kind including his own the only way to become a alpha is 1: The alpha has to make you alpha so meaning you would have to leave the pack and make your own. 2: kill the alpha which is very rare since you would need to find a special plant and melt it with metal and make it look like a stake. 3: Kill 3 of your own kind. That's the only way of becoming an alpha

The Maga WolfsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora