Birth Of A New Bloodline

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Everyone Was confused till roman explained that he healed him with his blood (And this was rare because no other blood from any other species could turn a wolf to a hybrid) then some magic flowers grew into the earth and that was the key to turning "Liam" the wolf in transition ate it then with eyes glowed purple with yellow so did Romans but Romans eyes were Black, Yellow, And purple since he the the alpha and first of his bloodline.But they didn't turn into hybrids... they were werewitches so Roman thought liam wolf and witch abilities esther died making romans bloodline immortal and asher died so that there wolf side could also be immortal. Then roman and liam wanted to test something they made an offer to anybody who was a wolf they said that if the experiment failed there family would get lots of money for the failure liam gave blood to the wolf and killed it the poor guy/wolf never woke up he died but roman got another wolf and fed him his blood and killed him and soon later he woke up in transition so only the alphas blood could make Maga Wolfs - Maga wolfs = werewitches bloodline name roman gave a witch his blood and killed her soon she woke up in transition so romans blood worked on both species.

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