Chapter 13

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Angel's POV

I'm hauled off the soil of hell, over Sardonix's shoulder, I'm taken as a hostage for show to some secret location for the devil.

The kind of location you enter and don't leave – so it stinks, it's ugly and it's fucking gross.

When I'm dropped to my feet, my sneakers sink into a puddly of fresh gore, I'm inside a pentagram etched into the red bricks of hell, it's within this strange and closed-off underground basement of hell. Close by I see a cauldron with a fire underneath, and steam coming out of the red top.

It's stirred by a headless corpse.

There are no windows, only steps down to this death pit.

All around are discarded bones.

I notice ghosts hired for labor, float in, picking up select bones to take out of the pit.

Sardonix's pack stand around me, while they wait for Lucifer to approach and oversee the sacrifice.

I watch as the fallen archangel himself floats in from the steps, wings spread to lighten his landing. Lucifer's black archangel wings drag heavy as he comes in to see that his hounds have done his bidding.

I notice the devil looks genuinely shocked they obeyed.

"Well done," he murmurs, looking at each member of the pack as he comes forward, "But I can smell she is not pure."

"You're my father by blood, of course I'm not pure," I call him out. Why not? I was going to die anyway.

Lucifer looks mildly annoyed I interrupted him mid speech.

"You fucked a bunch of hellhounds, Angel, that's why you're not pure," Lucifer fires back, "And now you're going to die – and I'm going to eat you. So no more chit chat, you'll be soup soon enough."

"You ready, bitch?" Sardonix asks me, directing my attention back to him.

I glance over my shoulder to Sardonix, who keeps his claws at his sides, his eyes focused on me intensely.

"Begin," Lucifer commands the pack.

No part of me wanted to use the spell he gave me... at least, when I was on Earth and it was easy to imagine resistance, I didn't want to use it.

Now I simply didn't want to find out what would happen if I delayed a second longer.

Right now I was in hell, in some death dungeon, about to be murdered and fucking cooked.

Logic hits me in this moment between life and death.

Maybe this was the only way he could help me.

Maybe Sardonix was doing this against his will – blackmailed into it.

I have no idea why I didn't think of that. I have no idea what will happen next, but there's only one way to find out.

Before the pack annihilate me for their boss, I say the black magic spell gifted to me from the head of TLT.

"dimittis ignem"


I expect to get some kind of quick getaway portal, or maybe I'd be blessed with enhanced speed to run for my life.

I don't expect fire to explode all around us.

And then I'm fucking flying.

Above the trees, the entire chamber burns below, although the demons and Lucifer do not get affected by the hellfire.

Lycan Soulmates #4: Lycan Nights [18+]Where stories live. Discover now