Can cheese dry tears?

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( this is a trophy X cheesy fic aka comedy gold, it's hurt comfort with maybe a kiss idk read it^^ )

*No POV*

Trophy has always had a hard time at the hotel since his elimination, everyone's been giving him dirty looks as if he committed a crime. But the only one who really looked at him differently was Cheesey. Cheesey thought that there was good in everyone, that anyone can change if they tried hard enough and he was going to make sure trophy changed for the better no matter what it takes.

*Cheesey POV: *

I've seen Trophy around the hotel every now and then, mostly when he makes his coffee in the morning. He has to gets up early to avoid all the people in the living room giving him strange looks, poor guy. It's a good thing that will all change soon! I cheesy make it my new life goal to change Trophy! I start to jump up and down excitedly in the middle of the living room when pickle walks up and asks what I'm doing, it's only then I realise many people are staring at me..

"Oh uh sorry I was just excited" I say embarrassed "for what?" Pickle looks at me with confusion. All the people in the living room have gone back to whatever they were doing "uh.. T-Trophy!" I blurt out my honesty. Pickle rolls his eyes "ugh Trophy? Why him he's so rude!" "Maybe you guys are the mean ones.." I mutter "what was that?" Pickle snaps back "I SAID MAYBE YOU GUYS ARE THE MEAN ONES!" I yell back at him, people has started to notice our little quarrel in the middle of the living room "you guys are always giving him dirty looks! And not even giving him a chance to change!" I snap at pickle and glance at everyone around.

"He's a Jock! People like him don't change!! All he ever does is is snap at people for doing nothing!" Pickle shouts back...I curl my hand up into a ball "have you guys even NOTICED that he gets up at such an EARLY TIME just to AVOID YOU GUYS!" I facepalm. The room goes silent I turn around to see trophy standing in the doorway speechless, my face goes red from embarrassment and I start to stutter a lot


"OKAY GUYS MOVE IT LETS GO!" Oj yells shoving us all out of the living room "go disperse, this argument will last no longer" he says before pushing us into our rooms and slamming the doors shut..Well that was an experience.. I don't share my room with anyone so I get to be alone, sometimes it's sad but there are perks too like getting to choose what to watch on TV  or setting my alarm to early ( mostly to catch Trophy ) speaking of I wonder how he's doing.

* Trophy's POV: *

After OJ shoved us all to our rooms I sat down on my bed and thought, I thought about what cheesy was saying. He was right, I never realised it but he was right. I always get up early to avoid people in the halls, and I think I've just managed to tune out people saying bad stuff about me because I hear it so much.. I feel a tear run down my cheek but also my cheeks So many emotions right now.. maybe I should go and see cheesy.

As I'm walking through the halls I pray that no one is in them, I see what cheesy was talking about now. I only have to walk a few rooms down as we're on the same level, soon i reach his door, I knock on it 3 times before I hear a "coming!" From the other side, I hear small, light footsteps on the ground before the door opens cheesy looks up at me a bit surprised and flustered maybe I shouldn't of come here. Cheesy glances at me cheeks I think he noticed I was crying, Damn it. "O-OH! Trophy come on in!" He squeaks before stepping aside to let me in. As I step in I notice how his room is decorated, it has posters of many comedians put up terribly on the walls and some dark wooden shelves with various magazines and and a lamp beside his bed. "So why did you come here" cheesy says before patting down on the bed signalling me to sit down next to him, I walk over and sit on the blue covered bed and take a deep breath. "Well. When OJ shooed us all back to our room I thought about what you said about me and I think that your right." I look over to cheesy who seems to be quite red, the lights are off so it's hard to tell. "I'm always up early and praying that people aren't in the hallways, heck I even tuned out when people talk bad about me when because I hear it so much!" Saying all this makes me realise I'm pretty much just dumping all of my problems onto him I look back at him to see him staring at me with a frown.

He soon brings me into a tight hug against my will "it's going to be okay, they don't deserve you.. I- I'm always here for you.." hearing him say those words make me feel some sort of way. I start to sob and hug back. He rubs my back and shushes me before letting me go, I wipe my tears and he brings me closer he lifts one finger under me chin "w-what are you doing.." I start to fumble my words and I feel myself getting hotter and hotter by the second, "something I should've done a long time ago..." he brings our faces closer together, for a split second I could see every detail on his face before the space between us closes. He kisses me, and I kiss back, I feel all my problems melt away at this moment, everything in the world just felt right with him. He pulls away, we both stare into each others eyes before I hear him say those words...

"I love you"

... that's the feeling I've had in my heart this whole time. It was love. I love cheesy and nothing will change that, he's all I'll ever need, I don't care if people are talking about me behind my back we'll both get through this together.

"I love you to"

(A/N: hey guys! Hope you enjoyed my first ever oneshot :) I'm not very good at making them long like most people yet but I'm sure I'll get better! Anyways hope you enjoyed That hurt comfort comedy gold fic!

.. now I gotta proof read- )

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