The Maga Wolf Lore

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It Started when the witch named "Esther Astor" She was created by black magic her parents had died since they were caught doing black magic so she was the first of a new bloodline then she grew up and Met "Asher Maga" Asher Was A Werewolf but not just any wolf he was an "Alpha" He could control his turnings From the ring Esther made him they fell in love, Got married Esther changed her last name too Maga so she took her bloodline and merged it with Maga They had a baby

This baby was special... since Esther wasn't normal and created with black magic and since she merged her bloodline with Asher Meaning "Wolf And Witch" that affected the baby named "Roman Maga" Making it both species... Esther tried multiple times to have more kids but failed. Roman Was special Asher trained Roman to fight with his wolf abilities and Esther thought him magic also Roman's blood was special it could heal people once this wolf was hurt and injured Roman healed him. Later the wolf died with his blood in his system and when he woke up everyone was surprised...

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