𝟬𝟬𝟳 a form of child labor

Start from the beginning

Once Sam took her seat, the Moreau girl turned to Miguel one last time, sticking her tongue out teasingly before cracking a smile and turning back around.

Samantha looked at the two gratefully. "Thank you. I honestly thought I'd spend this period dissecting a fetal pig alone."

"It's no problem," Renée replied, waving her hand.

Samantha's blue orbs met Renée's and it dawned to her that the two hadn't spoken in almost an entire year. She plastered a warm beam onto her face. "Hey, Renée. I feel like I haven't talked to you in forever."

The blonde swallowed thickly. "Uh, yeah. We should...catch up soon. All of us."

"That'd be nice," Sam replied, digging into her bag for a pencil. Her grin dropped once she looked inside her backpack. She then pulled out two bananas. "Do you guys want a banana? People keep sneaking them in my bag. It's probably because of that rumor."

"It's a stupid rumor," Nadia dismissed immediately, placing on her gloves after giving them to the other ladies sitting alongside her. "I wouldn't worry about it."

"They're all assholes to pretty anyone who isn't in their little group," Renée added. "They're pussies too. All they needed was to get their ass kicked and all of a sudden there's no bullying in the hallways as long as Miguel's around."

Sam momentarily looked over her shoulder to look at Miguel, who had already been staring at their table. When the three looked towards him, he turned back to Demetri as if he wasn't looking. "I still haven't gotten the chance to thank him."

"Well, now is your chance." Nadia shrugged. "Just don't be long. Mr. Palmer never notices anything in this class anyways."

Samantha nodded, stepping off of her stool to go and thank Miguel presumably. The Hayworthe and the blonde looked away, not particularly interested in watching the scene unfold.

"It's self-sabotage, you're aware of that, right?" Renée tilted her head.

Nadia blinked, confused. "What?"

"You constantly setting up Sam with Miguel," Renée explained. "You're only helping her and not yourself."

"What are you talking about?"

"Your obvious crush on Miguel," She answered. Renée looked to Sam and the Diaz boy, who were giggling about something neither of them wanted to bother themselves about. "Well...I guess it's just obvious to me."

The whole deny game could be irritating and just repetitive, so Nadia made the choice to come clean, but just to Renée. "So? It's a small crush. It'll fade."

"Is that what you're telling yourself?" The French girl scoffed. "I've seen this type of crush. Hell, I've experienced it. Doing this won't help your case. As a matter of a fact, it's just gonna make it worse."

Nadia sat up, getting defensive. She was threatened because of the fact that Renée was able to read her within seconds. Either her facade was cracking, or her friend was just that good. "Why do you care so much?"

Renée became defensive as well, crossing her arms. "I don't. I'm just being a good friend."

The brunette offered a smile, picking up one of her tools. "Okay. Instead, be a good partner and help me dissect this pig."

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