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                                       Here is the next chapter! I do not own the characters. 


  Cleo notices Kim walking over to them. "uh hi" she said. She was annoyed that her sister was over there. She knows how Kim is. She probably was up to something. Kim glares at her. "Don't act like you didn't have anything to do with this" she said in annoyance as she held up her cup, which was still boiling hot from Rikki's powers. Rikki laughs, knowing she is the reason her cup was burning hot. Kim notices her laughing. "Its not funny" she said. 

  Cleo knew it was  Rikki, but she just played it off. "I have no idea what you're talking about" she tells her sister. Kim had enough of it, so she just scoffs in annoyance and then looks at Max. "Have fun with my stupid sister" she tells him. Cleo crosses her arms. "You're stupid" she said. "Am not" Kim said. Max then crosses his arms. "And I thought sisters liked each other" he said, looking at both Cleo and Kim. "Eww, why would I like my sister? She's so bossy" Kim said. "Not true, and if it was true, its only because you're annoying" Cleo tells her. 

     Rikki was now getting annoyed over this. "Walk away" she tells Kim. She glares at them, but decided she wasn't going to say anything. So she just walks away. "See what I have to deal with?" Cleo asks, upset. "yeah, you have to deal with her. And I have to deal with Justin. We both have horrible siblings it seems" Max tells her. "Speaking of, I better get married before Justin" Alex tells them. "That would be embarrassing if he was married before me" she continued. "Does he even have a girlfriend?" Cleo asks Alex. "yes, a vampire" Alex replied. Justin wasn't part of their group, but he was indeed still dating the vampire known as Juliet. 

   Luke then steps forward. "Maybe you will someday" he tells Alex. He then laughs a little. He was her boyfriend afterall. "I hope so. I'd make a cute bride" Alex told him. Luke then laughs again. "I agree with that statement" he said. Max smiles and starts to dance again. Luke then wraps his arm around Alex, causing her to smile. "Didn't notice that we stopped dancing" Alex told Luke.  "Right" was all he said. He laughs a third time and continues to dance once more. "This is fun" Gar tells the group. "Yeah, very fu-" Mal began to say. A scream can be heard, cutting her off. "What was that?" Mal asks. 

  Max then stopped his dancing for a second. "I'm not sure, but that can't be good" he tells her. "Obviously" Mal replied. She then realized that Rachel never came back. "Wait...where's Rachel?" she asks. "She said she'll be right back" Gar said. "Oh, alright. Hmm" Mal said. She was getting worried. Max watches Bella singing on stage. "I'm sure she'll be back soon" he tells Mal. "Okay" she said. She began dancing with the others. 

    Luke then began to break dance. Alex was watching her boyfriend dance. "Amazing" she said. Luke then looks at her and smiles while continuing to break dance. Alex then smiles. As he finishes. "That was amazing" she tells him. "Thanks, I'm glad you liked it" Luke replied. He smiles. "I love dancing" he tells her. Alex smiles. "I see that" she said, running over to Luke. She gives him a hug. "You're a great dancer Luke" she says. 

  Luke smiles as he hugs her back, and then gives her a kiss on the cheek. Alex then smiles, and laughs. "Thanks for that" she said. "Of course" Luke said. He smiles. "I love you Alex" he tells her. She smiles. "I know" was all she said. She then laughs. "I love you too Luke" she tells him. Cleo stood there, watching everyone dancing. She was happy that everyone was enjoying themselves at the wedding. Well except for Rachel who has left for some reason. 

   Rikki walks over to the stage where Bella was singing as Bella's song was ending. "Can I give it a try?" she asks. Bella then looks at Rikki. "You sing?" she asks. "No, but I want to give it a shot" Rikki replied. "Alright" Bella said, handing Rikki the microphone and walks off the stage. Cleo saw Rikki on stage with a microphone. "Oh no" was all she said. She knew how this was gonna end. She stills remember when Rikki was singing karaoke over her house during the full moon. 

Cleo's confessional: "I've heard Rikki's singing. She sings worse than I do" 

   She knew this wasn't going to end well. Max then looks at Bella as she walks over to the group.  "That was great" he tells the blonde mermaid. "Thanks, I love singing" Bella replied. They all look over at Rikki, who was standing on stage. "Excuse me if I seem off" Rikki announces on the mic. "Not much of a singer" she said. Music began to play and Rikki begins to sing, but in a screaming tone. 


  How was it? Next chapter will be posted soon. If you want to see the video version, check it out on my youtube. :) 

Thanks for watching! 

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