Chapter 10

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sorry for the lack of updates on this story but I've been writing another story and yeah but this is the last chapter so i will try to make it longer that the others and stuff.

Max's POV

On the paper it had said that Rex had killed himself out of depression. I was speechless I know that remating with someone else brings the old mate pain but I didn't think he'd kill himself. And to think that it was all because I left him.

"Liam!" I called my voice cracking as I did so. I could here him walk in the room as tears started to fall down my face I didn't know what to do.

"What's wrong Max?" I pointed to the paper and he sighed.

"Omg." He said obviously stunned by what it said. I started to cry harder as he pulled me into a hug and we moved to sit on the floor.

"Daddy whats wrong?"Anna asked as she and her sister walked into the room. I tried to say something but nothing came out so Liam talked instead.

"An old friend of your fathers past away." He said calmly.

"Oh." She said and look down. Angle walked over to me and hugged me as she cried with me. She was always really sensitive about these things.

10 years later

Ten years ago Rex my old mate had killed him self. I would be lying if I said that I was happy because I was dead inside. But Liam and me have had a great life together and I wouldn't have asked for anything else. We had five kids three girls and two boys. They where all grown up now and had found their own mates. My life might be close to an end but I'm happy. As I lay on the hospitable bed thinking to my self while dozing off to soon be with Rex and Liam, Anna comes in and I say good bye to her and she begs me to hang on and fight death away. But I can't fight any more. I. Just. Can't.

I just want to say thank you guys for reading and and supporting my story. Sorry it wasn't that long but I got board

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