"Not a problem sir. I'm sure there won't be any bother." I smiled sweetly. I just wanted to be on the plane and over to America as quick as possible. When I had a proper look at the plane it was a C-130 Hercules, usually used for troop transport, medivac and cargo transport. While we walked onto the plane the guy we had meant walked off in the other direction probably to get changed into his uniform.

When I walked onto the plane it was full of American airmen who were all staring at me like I had grown two heads or something and it was really annoying me. "We've got company boys." One of the ones closest to me chuckled. "What's your name?" So much for them being tired, they all seemed wide awake to me.

"If you tell me yours then I'll tell you mine." I bargained. No way was he knowing my name before I knew his, that wasn't how this worked.

"Jordan Anderson." He smiled politely; he seemed like a really nice person.

"McKenzie Taylor." I replied extending my hand for him to shake, he held it firmly in his hand shake it quickly before dropping it.

"And you are?" He turned to Daniel who seemed to be off in his own little world while staring at us both a strange look being held in his eyes.

"Huh...Oh sorry I'm Daniel Lowes." He stuttered out coming back down to Earth.

"Boyfriend and girlfriend?" Jordan asked and we both turned to look at each other laughing. "I'm guessing not then." He chuckled.

"McKenzie can I have a word with you over there a minute please." Daniel asked pointing to the back of the plane away from everyone else and I nodded getting up from my position next to Jordan and walking down with him.

"What's up?" I asked.

"We were told to be in our disguises by the time we reached America." I wasn't seeing his point.

"And..." I pushed him for more information.

"And how are we meant to get changed in front of the fifteen odd men out there?" He asked exasperatedly as though he was trying to explain something to a little child but I didn't see a problem with it.

"Well I don't mind and I don't think they'll mind. What's the problem?" He just sighed and rolled his eyes at me. "Hey don't roll your eyes at me you've had to get changed in front of people before." I fake scolded and he just rolled his eyes at me again. When we walked back out we each walked over to our own bags starting to get out what we would need. "Hey guys you don't mind if we get changed here do you?" I asked and they all just murmured in response nobody saying they had a problem with it. I started from the top and worked my way down. So it went contact lenses, glasses, braces, t-shirt, skirt and then shoes. A few of the guys wolf whistled when I started stripping down but I knew they were just having a bit of a joke around with me and in all honesty I wasn't bothered. What I was bothered about was that I now had nowhere to hide my gun since I had my shirt tucked in so I couldn't conceal it in the waistband of my skirt like I thought I would. Whoever had the stupid idea to put me in a skirt was quite clearly an idiot. When I was finished and turned around from where I had been facing the wall, I saw Daniel struggling to pull up a pair of ripped black skinny jeans as he started bouncing all over the plane. Everybody else seemed to find it just as amusing as I did because they all started to laugh as well until he finally pulled them up, fastening them in place with a black belt, and ruined our fun. "I don't suppose anybody knows how to put eyeliner on do they?" He sighed looking around the room while everybody turned to look at me since I was the women on the plane.

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