Going down the stairs, which was a slow task for me since I didn't have my cane with me, we finally get to the basement.

"So what'd you need me to check out?" I ask turning to Azazel.

Frisk grabs my arm and pulls on it.

Frisk:'Y/n I think we should go back upstairs.'

I hear her say nervously in my head, but shake it off. Azazel wouldn't do anything to harm me or her.

Azazel:"See here's the problem..."

She says and I 'see' her pull something out and hear a paniced noise from Frisk in my head.



The next thing I know I am pushed by Frisk and land on the floor with her falling ontop of me.

Azazel:"Oh well things don't go according to plan, good thing I set up this ritual."

I reach my hands out to Frisk as I feel a liquid soaking into my clothes then the same liquid covering my hands. It was the famliar feeling of blood as the smell iron flooded my nose.


The next thing I know is I hear something tear open behind me and suck me and Frisk into it.

"Frisk?" I call out scared and nervous while clutching her body.

Firsk:'Sorry... Y/n...'

I hear her voice faintly inside my head as her body goes limp in my arms.

"Frisk don't leave me." I plead desperation in my voice.



Shaking her unresponsive body. I get nothing but more silence, not just from her but from everything around me.

I couldn't sense her anymore, nor anything around me. Reaching my hand out to feel something I couldn't. Their was nothing.

"Frisk!" My voice rises as I terror starts to set in.

"Justice, Judgement help please." I cry as tears start to trail down my face.

Frisk body starts to fade and I panic grabbing it tightly not wanting to loose the only thing I could feel, my only sense of sight or comfort.

Though it was all in vain as I tried grabbing the specks of light and was left with nothing but a glowing heart infront of me.

Justice POV

"So Lucifer what's the occasion?"

Michael:"Yes I would like to know aswell. I don't think you've ever invited me for a dinner, nor our little sisters."

I stare at Lucifer who seemed to be turning her head, probably looking around.

Lucifer:"Y/n is suppose to be here."

Susan:"Indeed, he had something planned."

Judgement:"Where is he? I haven't seen him since this morning."

Zdrada:"Last I saw he and Frisk were with Azazel. That was about an hour ago."

I 'look' aroun and notice that niether Azazel or Frisk were here.

Azazel then comes into the dinning room and we all turn to her.

Lucifer:"Have you seen Frisk or Y/n?"


Zdrada:"They were last with you."

Azazel:"I just asked them a question about their telepathy link, then left them."

White Eyed Bond (Judgement x blindmalereader x Justice)Where stories live. Discover now