The Unburnt

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        Long ago, a man by the name of Rhaegar Targaryen had fallen in love with a young maiden by the name of Lyanna Stark. The maiden had too fallen in love with the man but she unfortunately, had already been betrothed to another by the name of Robert Baratheon. Rhaegar and Lyanna had decided to run away together, starting one of the most brutal wars in all of Westeros, known as Robert's Rebellion. The war would officially end when The Mad King, Aerys Targaryen had been stabbed through the heart by his own Hand, Jamie Lannister in order to stop him from setting all of King's Landing ablaze with a substance, known as Wildfire. During the war, Rhaegar would be murdered by Robert striking him in the chest with his giant hammer whilst Lyanna would die giving birth to their son: Aegon Targaryen, The Sixth of his name.

        In order to protect their only son from Robert's wrath, Lyanna's dying wish would be for her fallen husband's younger brother, Viserys to take the child with him when he fled to Essos with his pregnant mother. When Rhaella Targaryen would parish giving birth to Daenerys, Viserys was left to raise two children on his own whilst being forced to live in hiding, in poverty. Viserys would raise young Aegon as if he were his own child. He would tell him stories of their ancestors every night. However, he grew to resent Daenerys for the death of their mother and would often mistreat her as a result of his resentment towards her. Aegon would grow up to be spoiled with Viserys often referring to him as The Realm's Delight whilst Daenerys would grow up to be meek and timid.

        In spite of his spoils, Aegon often found himself longing for something more, something that was always just out of reach: Freedom. All of his life, Aegon along with his aunt and uncle would constantly live in fear, forced to move on several occasions in order to avoid Robert's assassins. Aegon never truly knew what home was as a result. He may have been a King but he never truly felt like one. No King should have to live in fear after all.

        However, Viserys had a plan: He would trade his younger sister, Daenerys to a Dothraki Khal to wife in exchange for an army. With an army of savages at his disposal, Viserys planned to take back his nephew's birthright for him. As Viserys discussed the details with his Hand, Jorah Mormont, Aegon found himself tuning out their conversation in favor of entertaining himself with his own thoughts. Aegon began to daydream of finally getting to return to his rightful home and to sit upon a Throne made up of the thousand blades of his ancestors' enemies. He would never have to live in hiding again if he were a feared King like his grandfather.

        "What if I don't want to be his Queen?!" Aegon was then snapped out of his thoughts by his aunt's protests.

        "Well, what is it that you want then, sweet sister?" Viserys attempted in vain to hide his irritation behind a mask of sincerity.

        "I just want to go home..." Was Daenerys' reply as the poor girl fought back tears. In response, Viserys gently caressed her cheek.

        "I wish to go home too, sweet sister...That is why I am willing to let the Khal, all of his men and even their horses have their way with you in order to achieve that..." Viserys then spat, much to Aegon and Jorah's discomfort before roughly grabbing Daenerys' hand in order to lead her over to the front steps of their current abode. When Khal Drogo rode up to the small palace upon his mighty stallion, Aegon perked up with pure interest as he felt a small chill of fear rush down his spine at The Khal's intense glare. As Khal Drogo began to examine the appearance of his new wife, Aegon began to examine The Khal's appearance as if he were witnessing a real dragon being reborn: Muscular, hairy and covered in tribal tattoos.

        Aegon would bet his crown that Khal Drogo never had to live in fear once in his life. After taking a good look at Daenerys, Khal Drogo then rode away without a single word.

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