I was brought back to the present by a deep voice that was trying to get my attention. I looked ahead to see Miranda with her eyes closed deeply concentrating on something. If I don't react sooner she will break all my bones, she seems like she is planning to kill me. Gulp. The deep voice from before called out to me again, I looked around, but couldn't see anyone. It called me again, but this time I could tell it was coming from up above. I glanced up to see Dwayne hanging off of a tree branch, just like a monkey. I gave him a confused look as he was mouthing something to me.

You can do this, I know you can, I am with you baby...

Dwayne's voice sent that message to my brain, without even moving his mouth. I wanted to go and ask him how did he do that, but right now I have a bigger matter in hands.

Miranda was slowly moving her hand that was holding the wand, towards me. I moved a little to the side closing my eyes to concentrate. Dwayne's face was swirling in my mind, his confidence in me was setting me up high, making me believe that maybe I can do this. I took a deep breath, demanding my magic to surface; about what seemed like second, I could feel energy coursing through my body, ready to merge. I opened my eyes, ready to hit her with the power I was feeling inside, but when I pointed my wand towards her, nothing happened, frowning, I tried again, but I failed again. I was ready to call in truce before my gaze went towards Dwayne who pointed towards his eyes, and then to mine. Not understanding what he wanted to say, I looked at Miranda, making eye contact with her.

The moment my eyes met hers, I felt my magic running wild inside of me. Remaining eye contact, I walked up to her and she didn't move. I leaned towards her ears and whispered, "give up, call yourself a loser, you have lost." Without a second's hesitation, she repeated what I said loud and clear. I snapped my fingers in front of her eyes, as she blinked, snapping back to reality.

The whole crowd cheered, clapping for me. I was sure none of them even realized what just happened, but I was just glad I won. On top of that, I found out my special power, I was so happy that I was going around hugging random people, jumping around like a lunatic.

An arm wrapped around my waist from behind and I froze. Yeah I am super happy, but that doesn't mean I am going to let some guy touch me like that. As I was about to turn around and punch some kid in the face, the guy that was holding me placed my hair to the side, kissing my neck. The immediate tingles were the telltale sign of whom was the person kissing my neck. I turn around, wrapping my arms around his neck; he pulled back a little while holding onto my waist which pulled my feet off of the ground. He spun us around with me squealing like a little girl. If Dwayne thinks that I will forgive him so easily, he is wrong, he is far from forgiven, but right now I kind of need him. I don't want to share my victory with anyone more than him.

He pulled apart, but his arms were still around my waist. The expression on his face was one of guilt which reminded me of why I am so mad at him. I pulled his arms away from me, walking away to go back to my dorm room. Before I could fly over the gates a hand on my arm stopped me. I glanced around to see who it is even though I had a good idea of who it is. Sure enough, Dwayne was standing there, looking quite remorseful. As mad as I was seeing him like this made me very sad. Without thinking I wrapped my arms around his neck, and hugged him close to me. He returned my hug, kissing the side my temple.

"Don't you dare think that you're forgiven, you have a lot of explaining to do Mr." he pulled apart, cupping my face in his hands before pressing his forehead against mine.

"I won't have it any other way, you deserve an explanation, and I deserve for you to be mad at me." He took my hand in his, leading me towards the forest.

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