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You stayed in the mirror chamber for a while, staring at the now empty mirror, "hm...So your the mirror ***** made...a mortal soul trapped inside a mirror, as a blessing and a curse...."

green flames lit up inside the mirror again, "Indeed, Lord Rukkhadeveta..."

"needn't for formalities, address me as... y/n"

"y/n..?...hm..this name rings with familiarity...does one happen to know of them..?" The mirror asked, "yes...indeed you do..."


"Honestly! What was this year's opening ceremony?!" The redhead complained with irritated expression. "Now, Now. Everything got settled safely thanks to you and the well...them aswell, right?" The greenette consulted the redhead,

the ginger male popped from the corner, "Riddle-kun! Trey-kun! All the new students are at the welcome party!" the male waved happily, "Thank you for the report, Cater. Was the venue prepared according to the queen of Hearts' rules? The roses in the garden were painted sequentially red and white, right?"

Riddle asked with a stern yet calm demeanor, "Naturally! They're perfect!" the ginger haired male said.

"Very well. Then let's head back to our dorm."

"If any more trouble occurs, you'll be losing your head as well. Count on it." The redhead to look at the two juniors with a stern face, the two's bodies tensed as they're eyes locked with a gray piercing eyes,

"Yes dorm leader!"

"I'm just glad I made it in time for the roses. You sure worked me hard, Trey-kun."

"Thanks, Cater."

the two muttered at each other, as the three walked out of the building. It cuts to you and the headmage in front of a...strange and ramshackle building on top of a small hill, spider webs filled the buildings cracks and windows.

you looked at it with repugnance, "This... It's very charming indeed..." you said gritting your teeth trying not let out impolite words and letters fall out of your mouth, "Isn't it? Isn't it?"

you walked over to the entrance of the house, you were about to push the door open, but it nudges itself open, a chill runs through the walls, crooked and out of place paintings were seen inside the buildings walls, and scratched up wallpaper was decorated on the walls,

"It's a little broken down, but it can probably stand through wind and rain."

'yup, it definitely won't fall on my head once I blink!'

"Regarding your sould having been summoned here... since the school owns the mirror of darkness, we are also partially responsible. For the time being, you'll be staying here free of charge."

you let out a dry chuckle, "Hehe..I appreciate it.." after saying those words, your ear perked up as you felt a part of the ceiling rattle, you quickly moved to the side, and right after your prediction, the chandelier on the ceiling crashed,

faint laughter could be heard lifting in the air, a heavy cold breeze went through you, "Oh dear...I've heard of ghosts and spirits from inazuma and Liyue, but I never expected them to appear here aswell,

then again, we are standing in complete broken building, I suppose I could tolerate them, I'm sure they aren't that bad, and besides they seem to be helpful servants— er I mean roommates" you placed a hand on your chin,

"I..we didn't even get a chance to scare em'..."

"What do you mean servants....???"

"...And I thought we would be finally gonna have some fun..."

"hmm...despite you saying I can live here rent free...which is understandable, I'm assuming other necessaries like food, clothing and other more, are gonna come with a price to pay, no?"

The headmage blinked, "I, y-yes indeed, you're quite sharp despite the shenanigans earlier, aha! I have just the idea!" A light bulb popped on the headmage's head,

He points to you, "I will apply you as a Janitor! and while during your break, I will allow you access to the library to gather information on how to get back to your world! For I am gracious!"

"Well, considering there is no other choice...I will gladly take up this offer of yours" you reached your hand out, the headmage stared at your outstretched hand, he cleared his throat and shaked your hand,

"well then, please start cleaning the school, starting tomorrow. I'll just ask you to clean Main street, which extends from the entrance gate to the library, for now." The principle said,

"By the way, I haven't heard your full name."

'Right...I still haven't said my name....perhaps I should make up an alias to cover my true identity...having a God attend a school will cause suspicions... and also questions from journalists...'

"It's y/n Rukkhadeveta"

'Unoriginal, but it'll do as of now..."

"Very well. Then Y/n. From tomorrow on you will strive to act as Night Raven's handyman!


hello! srry if this chapter is short..! I wanted to get this done right away, bc I have lots of HW and deadlines are nearly here :,,,)))

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