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Ganesh Chaturthi, also called Vinayaka Chavati, in Hinduism, 10-day festival marking the birth of the elephant-headed deity Ganesha, the god of prosperity and wisdom. It begins on the fourth day (chaturthi) of the month of Bhadrapada (August-September), the sixth month of the Hindu calendar

Today was Ganesh Chaturthi one of your favorite festivals ever since you were a little kid. You loved celebrating the birthday of the adorable elephant headed God lord Ganesha. The festive happy atmosphere around of people spreading joy in the air, the aroma of a variety of sweets and the never ending dancing by people playing the dhol (A large, barrel-shaped or cylindrical wooden drum, typically two-headed, used in South Asia) and the happiness of seeing the entire neighborhood filled with lights which gave you a sense of exhilaration that not even words or numbers could describe. Though wearing those traditional clothes such as Ghagra Cholis and the lehengas were a bit of a pain in the neck since you despised dressing traditionally, you enjoyed the Ganesh Chaturthi celebrations. You'd never been to the Ganesh Nimmajanam or the immersion of the statue of Lord Ganesha (The ritual is done to signify the birth cycle of Lord Ganesha; just as he was created from clay/Earth, his symbolic statue is as well. The idol is immersed in water so that Ganesha may return to his home after his 'stay' at the devotees' home or temple where the Ganesha Chaturthi rituals are conducted) and your parents promised to take you for it the next time it was Ganesh Chaturthi

Unfortunately that wasn't possible this year because you were restricted to the 4 walls of your new home with your so called significant other none other than Tsukishima Kei himself. When he first took you for himself you needed some time to adjust. You were extremely pissed and mad about what he'd done and you'd cry and scream but he wouldn't give a damn or let you go for that matter. You've finally tamed down much to his immense happiness but he's still keeping his guard up around you since he's still not ready to trust you wholly yet. What if you make a run for it one day when he finally trusts you? He can't afford to lose you and even though it might not seem like he loves you, he totally does. He needs you like a drowning man needing air and he doesn't know what he'd do if you weren't there with him

You were on the couch reading a book when you glanced at the calendar and saw that today was Ganesh Chaturthi and you completely forgot about it till now. It's like you've completely lost track of time after Tsukishima took you. Your mind drifted off to all the times you'd celebrated the festival with your loved ones and you thought Tsukishima wouldn't let you celebrate it this time so your mind was formulating a plan to ensure that you celebrate Ganesh Chaturthi this year no matter what. However your chain of thoughts were interrupted when Tsukishima called you for breakfast and he made you your favorite food as well. Usually you'd be a bit cheerful about it but not today since your mind was somewhere else entirely and even though Tsukishima might be hot headed, he's actually pretty observant so of course your unusual behavior didn't escape from his hawk like gaze today

"Oi, you know I haven't drugged the food or that sort of shit if that's what you're worried about" Tsukishima's voice suddenly rang out in the room making you a bit startled. "I know that... I'll eat it thanks anyway" you forced a smile but he knew better. He was proud that he could read your feelings and personality like a freaking book so he made a mental note to keep an eye on you for the rest of the day. Later on when he caught you singing a song quietly to yourself, he recognized it. It was this song called Mahaganapatim and when you were praying to lord Ganesha he immediately understood that today was the beginning of Ganesh Chaturthi

He went out and bought all the required stuff for the Ganesh puja and a little statue of Lord Ganesha as well. "Oi dumbass come out I have a surprise for you or whatever" Tsukishima's voice resonated through the house. You went to the living room to see what he'd got you and needless to say you were surprised. "Oh Tsukishima thank you for this" you smiled as you hugged him and he had this proud smirk on his face like he'd conquered the world or something. It was totally worth seeing your beautiful million watt smile and of course Tsukishima would cherish this memory as yet another victory when it came to both of your love. You got changed and started preparing for the Ganesh puja and he went into the kitchen kitchen prepare the sweets and other food items for the festival. He knew what to cook since he had the help of the Internet

You both then sat down for the Ganesh puja and he had only one wish in mind, that you should never leave him. He was happy that he got to celebrate an important festival with you, the love of his life. After you were done with the puja he grabbed a Motichoor Ladoo(An Indian sweet dish made from flour, sugar and jaggery and made into small balls) and went "Open wide princess" and he fed you the ladoo. That night when you both went to bed you smiled and spoke "Thank you for doing this. Though I might not be able to celebrate Ganesh Chaturthi with my family this time I'm actually kind of glad I'm celebrating it with you" and he replied "Of course you should be but I do expect something in return" and when you asked him what he wanted he replied in a very serious tone "Cuddles" as he wrapped his arms around your figure and brought you closer to him. You both savored the soft moment as you fell into a world of dreamless slumber for the time being

The week continued with pujas and finally it was time for the Ganesh immersion and Tsukishima actually agreed to take you out to the nearby lake. You got dressed and when Tsukishima saw you wearing your traditional clothes his jaw literally dropped till the ground because you looked hevanely and ethereal. Like a true royal. "I feel like a giant grape" you grumbled as you fiddled with the straps of your purple lehenga and continued "Judging from your expression right now I'd say I look pretty terrible don't I?" but he growled and cupped your face in his hands and made you look at him. "Who's the freaking moron that made you think of yourself like this? I can and will murder them and send them down to hell. You look really beautiful and screw every other damn extra that tells you otherwise" and he kissed your head softly assuring you that you looked fine

You both walked to the lake that was 10 minutes away from your house and just when you felt that nothing could ruin the day for you after last night's dancing with Tsukishima in the kitchen to fast beats, that's where you were wrong. It looked like a few guys had a death wish or something because they started cat calling you much to your disgust and Tsukishima's immense anger. He immediately gave you his jacket and took you to a Cafe nearby and asked you to wait for him for just a few moments while he'd take care of the problem and 'taking care of the problem' he means murdering those pathetic pieces of trash with his bare hands and ensuring they'll beg him for their deaths. No one ever gets away with daring to lay their eyes on you, Tsukishima would make them second guess everything in life

After the problem was taken care of you both reached the lake where there was a pandit(priest) ready to chant some verse for the final farewell for lord Ganesha which Tsukishima may or may not have threatened him to come. You set the statue in the water and let the small tides carry it along with them. "I had a really great time celebrating Ganesh Chaturthi with you. I've never been to an immersion ceremony before but you've made it possible for me to actually experience it. Thank you so much" you smiled as Tsukishima had a flustered look on his face and he muttered "Yeah well don't make too much of a huge deal about this all right? I was being nice" he grumped but you laughed slightly and you both went back home where you cuddled with each other on the couch listening to some soft music while having some Paneer Parathas that Tsukishima made for you

Tsukishima was willing to do anything for your love and all you had to do was just ask. Provided you don't leave him. You're his and he'll make sure the entire world knows you're his

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