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The way I see it is you might have met Kiyoko as classmates, or a childhood best friend or even on the Karasuno volley ball team. The 2 of you will become the best of friends and pretty soon, she'll be spilling all her secrets and pouring her heart out to you, slowly and deeply falling in love with you. She won't exactly fall in love with you on the spot, it'll take some time but when she falls in love, she falls HARD no joke. She won't be so obsessed with you at first but later on, when she sees you talking to other people, she doesn't know why she has the urge to drag you away from them and punch those people you were talking with in the face and knock a few of their teeth out

She's the protective yandere, always wanting to look out for you to make sure you're safe and not in any danger and that sort of thing. One might even call her OVER protective in fact. She's like an over protective mother bear, ready to snap and strike back if something happens to her baby cub or YOU that is. However you met her, either way, she'll be hovering and clinging at you to help you out with whatever you need it for. And she'll be really happy and thrilled that you've decided to come to HER of all people when you need help!

She will stalk you no doubt about that, but it's all just for your safety right? To make sure you get home safely and you don't get mugged or something? Riiiiigghhht..... She might collect some souvenirs from your room and your bag at school, but they'll be little things, like stuff you won't even notice they're gone. And even if you DO notice don't worry, they're ALL in a safe place in her room at her house. She might watch you sleep in the night but she won't go as far as to watching you shower. Nu uh, she respects people's privacy although she can't deny that she imagined taking your clothes off one day and joining you in the shower too~ (Oh lord.... I need some holy water TvT)

She will kidnap you sooner or later and when she does, you'll be scared, angry and miserable but she'll do her best to make you smile and be happy again. She will give you whatever you need, she just wants and NEEDS your constant love and affection in return that's all. And when I ay ANYTHING you need, freedom isn't included, sorry peeps

Although she doesn't believe in punishing you since she doesn't want you to hate her even MORE, she'll just scold you like a disappointed mother scolding a child and if you still act up with her, well... she can always put you in a dark room for a while for you to repent your actions and then apologize. She'll twist your thoughts, convincing you that the outside world is far too dangerous and unsafe for you and now somehow, I'm getting Mother Gothel vibes here. If you try escaping, she'll be heartbroken and devastated not to mention kinda angry and disappointed too. She'll cuddle with you and think that since she isn't showing you enough love that's the reason you're trying all these tactics. She'll destroy all possible means of escape for you after that since she doesn't want another repeat of the incident and worst of all, she's worried you could have hurt yourself

She'll baby proof the whole place and not even a plastic knife will get out now

If she has to share you with someone, she most likely would share you with Yachi since both of them are close too

She's a kind and caring yandere hardly ever being cruel but when it comes to rivals, oh boy.... they'll be saying goodbye to the Earth

She loves to spoil you and give you presents and gifts and all that, so with her you'll literally be spoiled rotten. She loves cuddle sessions with you when you run your fingers through her hair and she likes to rub comforting circles on your back too

I'm sorry if this was complete trash TvT so please forgive this humble peasant's writing

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