Wang Xinyu was annoyed while changing her clothes. She had collected so many supplies before, but she forgot the protective clothing. When there is a chance, she still has to collect some spare parts.

  At this time, Zhao Xixun was meeting with the leaders of S City to discuss the next work.

  Everyone has expressed their opinions, but because there is no data support, it seems a little empty.

  "Mayor Zhao, what do you have in mind?" Leng Qun, as a senior official of S City, just airborne from Kyoto, and he has not fully understood the situation in S City. Some bad luck.

  And he knew that Zhao Xixun was the leader of the new generation of aristocratic family, and he happened to be the mayor of S City, so his opinion still had to give face.

  Hearing his question, Zhao Xixun didn't pay attention to it immediately. He leaned against the back of the chair slightly lazily. The phone placed on the table vibrated several times in a row. He casually picked up the phone to check one by one.

  The meeting room was quiet for a while...

  Leng Qun frowned displeasedly. He was born in the Leng family in Kyoto. The Leng family was a newcomer who came out more than ten years ago. He entered the political arena by marrying an old family. Give him face...

  A touch of solemnity slowly gathered in the silent air. Some people looked at each other, some were meaningful, some didn't care, and some sat upright...

  They were all waiting, waiting for something... For

  a long time, After reading the information, Zhao Xixun put down his mobile phone, tapped his finger on the table twice, and the eyes of everyone in the conference room came together.

  He sat up straight, changed his laziness just now, turned on the microphone in front of him, and said solemnly and arrogantly, "Okay, now... Let

  's have a meeting." This overwhelming gesture made Leng Qun angry.

  The people in the conference room who were originally in different shapes were also nervous. This was a matter of their own life and family, and they couldn't be careless.

  Zhao Xixun didn't sell out and directly released the information he got from the Wang family.

  A large number of unknown viruses have been detected in blood samples from patients, which can be transmitted through human contact.

  Just as Zhao Xixun was talking about the key point, a leader suddenly fell to the ground, his face flushed and he vomited... This is an infection, he is sick...

  "Oh my god..." The meeting room suddenly became chaotic, that person The people next to the leader immediately backed away out of an instinctive reaction.

  The cowardly screamed, "What should I do? What should I do? Call an ambulance?"

  "What, I heard that the hospital is already overcrowded, and it can't be squeezed in at all."

  "Then what do you say?"

  Zhao Xixun ignored the disputes of some people and just waved to the secretary behind him.

  Zhao Lang skillfully put on a mask and gloves, and walked over calmly after negotiating, picked up the man's back collar, and dragged him out.

  At this time, Zhao Xixun said coldly, "You don't have to panic too much, you won't be infected if you don't have direct contact."

  Even so, everyone was scared for a while.

  People don't kill themselves for their own sake, and everyone unconsciously widens the distance from each other to prevent problems before they happen.

  Very good, the sense of crisis is very strong.

  Soon, Zhao Lang came back, and the gloves and masks were gone.

  "Where did you take people?" Leng Qun looked at Zhao Xixun and Zhao Lang seriously.

  "The small conference room next door." Zhao Lang replied firmly, and sat down behind Zhao Xixun again.

  Zhao Lang is Zhao Fu's son. He has followed Zhao Xixun since childhood. He is also the assistant and bodyguard arranged by the Zhao family to Zhao Xixun's face.

  "How can you just leave people there?" Leng Qun angrily scolded.

  Zhao Xixun looked at him coldly and sneered, "What do you want to do?"

  Leng Qun was choked for a moment, and said with a hint of unwillingness in his tone, "At least it should..."

  He couldn't say why for a while. Come.

  (End of this chapter)

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