A Much Different First Meeting

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Author Note: Thanks to the manga have dropped so many plot nukes on me, I haven't been able to feel safe writing Meiko's story within the Tokyo Revengers cannon. But with the manga soon wrapping up (5 CHAPTERS LEFT HOW IS THIS GONNA WORK WAKUI EXPLAIN?!) I thought, why not share some alternative takes and ideas I had when first creating Meiko in regards to Tokyo Revengers. Thus, the Alternate Paths. Think of it like bloopers reels or side stories with varying levels of questionable canonicity to sprinkled in. Please enjoy and tell us what you think~

It was supposed to be like any other day for the young boy known as Sano Manjiro. He and one of his newest friends, Ryuguji Ken, better known as Draken, and recently, much to the taller blonde's annoyance, Ken-chin, thanks to the efforts of his new friend Mikey. The two had decided to hang out on this peaceful day after school, wandering around a bit before meeting up with the rest of their friends. Grinning as he recounted a tale of his childhood both boys failed to notice the sudden shadow that fell over them. "So then Baji–"

"Mei-chan!!" Someone screamed, and Mikey's and Draken's heads snapped up as the shadow fell over Mikey.

"Watch out!!!" Sapphire met onyx.

"What the—!!!" Draken yelled.

Mikey's eyes widened as the blur of white and black crashed into him suddenly. "Fuuuuck!"



Silence fell over the sidewalk, pain running up Mikey's head and back as he groaned at the sudden weight that had crashed into him from above. "Mikey!!" Draken concernedly yelled in shock staring down at the wide-eyed Mikey who was pinned down by a hooded figure. "Hey, you punk just who do you think–" Draken began to angrily growl and reach out to pull the hooded figure off his friend as the person suddenly began to move.

"Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!" The mysterious weight that had crashed into the young Mikey groaned and hissed as they slowly started to sit up on him. "That actually kinda hurt... Ow! Talk about overshooting!"

"You dumbass!" Another shouted and Draken's eyes snapped up towards a red-headed boy, as he nervously clung to the top of the high concrete fence that lined one side of the sidewalk. "This is exactly what I meant when I said this was a dumb idea!" The green-eyed freckled-faced boy continued shouting down to the hooded figure that still sat on top of Mikey's stomach and chest as they rubbed their head through their hoodie.

"Hey, asshole." Draken menacingly growled causing the redhead to shriek like a girl, "Just who the hell do you two think you are? Huh?!"

"Mie-mie-Mierda... Not again." The kid loudly whimpered as Draken's glare deepened as he stared up at them confused at the sudden foreign language they'd used.

"The hell you say?"

Getting annoyed with the fact that he'd been being used as an impromptu cushion for some idiot's antics. Mikey began to shift himself to kick off the dumbass who dared to get the jump on him, "Hey–"

"Uh, shit! I'm so sorry." He froze as the figure finally spoke a bit more clearly as she pushed back her hood as her large almost doe-like blue eyes looked down at Mikey a bit concernedly and abashedly. "Didn't mean to fall on ya, I thought I had my jump figured out so I'd land on the fence like a cat, but I guess I overshot my jump a bit too much."

"H-hold up!" Draken stuttered as he, similarly to Mikey stared wide-eyed at the girl. "A... a girl?"

The girl blinked a few times looking up at Draken before snorting as she smiled up at him teasingly, "What? Never seen a pair of girls jump out a tree before?"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2022 ⏰

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