Chapter 1: Intro to two idiots' morning

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First Pov:

"Oi. Wake up... I said ''wake up!"

I shot my eyes open, feeling a sting on my arm. 'What the hell.' Rubbing my eyes, I looked over to whoever woke me up. 'Vin..what the hell...' I let out a yawn.

"What do you want?" I was having a great dream before I was rudely woken up. I glared at him.

"We have to go to hell." He casually stated.
'Wha- oh school.' "Hurry up."

"Are you serious? And why are you in my house...?" Looking around, just to make sure it really was.

"I just walked in. Your mom let me in. Now hurry before we miss the bus." He left the room.

"It's too early for this shit." I got up and folded my blanket, set it down at the end of the bed. I walked over to the closet looking for an outfit to wear. 'I think this would look cool.' I grabbed what I needed and headed to the bathroom.

After getting dressed, I walked downstairs to see Vin and my mom at the table. 'Breakfast.'

" Good morning Beta*breakfast is ready, I made you an egg with bits of bacon in it. I just noticed, you and Vin almost match! Well, by colors." She said as she set down the plate with the food. I looked over to see Vin. And indeed we matched... We had the same color palette, but different styles. He likes to dress like a 'man whore' as he says it, and mine is I guess academia vibe. He's kind of a tall guy, he has brown fluffy hair that's a mullet. His eyes are a mix of blue and green. He has a fit build which I envy a bit, but I know he worked hard for that physique. "You've been best friends for so long. Ah, I'm so happy."

"Me too ma..." I took a spoon to eat the egg.

" Thank you for the food Mrs. (L/n)! It was delicious." Vin exclaimed after finishing his whole plate. My mom just nodded and smiled. I finished up my food and went to put it in the sink.

" Not you breaking in the house, rudely waking me up, and eating the delicious food my mom makes." I joked. "What time is it?" I put on my mask, grabbed my backpack, and an instrument. I play the violin and I'd say I'm pretty good at it, I guess.

"6:32! We're gonna miss it, hurry!" Vin yelled, running out the door with his backpack. I ain't ever seen this dude run that fast for a bus, in platform boots no less. I ran after him as fast as I could. Running with a backpack and instrument is never an easy task, what the fuck...

Luckily, we made it on time and the bus arrived as soon as we got there, we got on and sat together. I pulled out my phone and started watching an anime.

"Are you watching Demon Slayer again? This is like the 15th time..." He asked.

"And? I absolutely love this anime, and I've finished the manga, but I just love it so much, the plot, the characters, and so on..."

"Understandable. Some of them are also mad fine. I wanna squeeze some of the man tiddies."

'There is no way this man just said that so casually. He's not wrong though. I wanna too, but I refuse to say it flat out like that.'

I was watching the episode where they infiltrate the Red Light District.

"They give me gender envy... And I low-key wish we could go there. But like, at the same time... No." I said mindlessly.

"What would you even do if you could?"

"Probably save some of the characters... Create a shitty harem like in fanfics, create an occult. I don't know??" I laughed. He laughed as well.

"That's stupid!"


We got to the school and we each went to our own classes. Just two of the classes were the same for us. Lunch and art. We both love art. I got to my first class, got to my seat, setting the violin case carefully against the wall and sat down. I opened my backpack searching for my sketch book and a pencil. I took out my headphones as well and started listening to some music.

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