Facing The Ambush

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I apologized to Reese and he accepted, but there was a catch, like there always were with him.

He told me to meet him at his house with a batch of fudge brownies which was manageable because my mom owned a bakery.

As soon as I got home, I went to the fridge and grabbed a plate of brownies. My feet carried me to the backyard. I pushed the gate open and crossed the alleyway that separated Reese's and I houses. After entering his backyard, my eyes lifted upwards to see a figure in the window of Reese's room. At first, I thought it was someone else.

He ripped off the plastic and dove in, not bothering to ask the rest of his guests if they wanted any. Reese never was big on sharing. I rolled my eyes at his trickery.

"You said we would make up for lost time. 'Reconnect', or something along those lines." I air quoted from our conversation earlier when I was seriously apologizing.

I honestly was looking forward to some time away from my family and strangers. I was happy at the prospect of spending some alone time with my best friend, but he had another agenda.

"I never said we would be alone." He spoke with a mouth filled with chocolate.

"You never said there would be anyone else either." His grin grew and I regretted having a Grade-A delinquent as a best friend.

"We'll leave if it's a problem. We don't want anyone breaking up because of us." Clara stood up from the window seat. She grabbed Tristan's shirt before trying to haul the lanky boy up.

"We're-" I pointed in between Reese and I. "-not a couple. He's my best friend, a bad one at that, but still my best friend. "

Clara, Tristan, and Sydney shared a look before they burst out laughing.

"We were like seventy-nine point eight percent sure you guys were a couple." Her nasally sharp voice assailed my ears. The others had grown use to the noise.

"Yeah we thought you hated us for taking time from your man." Tristan shimmied his shoulders with a smirk on his face and it was my turn to laugh.

Sydney's dark eyes met mine. He held them as the conversation around us grew.

When I said he was intense, I meant he was intense. I felt like I was staring into bright headlights on a car. He didn't dim nor did my eyes adjust to the strength of the light. The atmosphere grew the closer it got.

The closer he got.

I wouldn't let him get too close.

"I better be off. My mom will be home soon." I stole a brownie from the tray. "Just bring the plate back when you have time and share , you greedy adolescent." I muffed his head that bounced right back into place.

Clara dug into her shoulder purse, slowly pulling out a joint. "Are you sure you don't wanna stay?" She held it almost preciously.

I shook my head. "I'm not into that stuff." Her eyebrows shot up to heaven in mild shock.

"Thanks for delivering the goodies to Grandma." Reese rubbed his belly and kissed my cheek.

"I wouldn't of came if I knew I was delivering to wolves." I kissed his cheek giggling.

"Wolves?" Sydney questioned.

"Wolves." I smiled like I was intimidated and wanted to bolt from the premises. "Bye guys." I waved as the Fearsome Threesome, that would soon become a quartet, said goodbye to me.

"Bye, Little Red."

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