In the second he grabbed my arm and pulled me towards school building as we headed to her office. I didn't know what was going on until I came infront of the familiar doors with a huge 'PRINCIPAL' on them when I realized what is about to happen. Just as I was about to run away or say something, Kieran knocked on her doors. In the matter of seconds, he came in without her even inviting her.

"Seriously Kieran, this is the worst you did. It's not even the first period, young man!" she yelled and then saw me "I see you dragged in more victims..." she sighed "What happened?"

"Why do you always accuse the worst of me? I only came to prove the point to my friend." friend? We're not friends, I do not form friendly bonds with primitives like him.

"Really... That's the first. What's the big deal." the curly blonde with green eyes known as our principal, Ms. Morgan asked.

"She thinks that I'm stupid and you are my proof that I'm not. Go on, tell her." he said as she glanced between the two of us.

"Wha... Oh, my God! Isn't she the gold!?" there it is again.

"Please, help with this one." he countered clearly annoyed that more people agree on his stupidity.

"Sweetheart, now this is something I never thought to see in my twenty-seven years of age. No matter how stupid this guy looks..."

"Hey!" he protested.

"Shut up, I'm talking." she really looks like evil, if we're to shave her head, remove her nose and put her in some black robe, she'd be like a freaking Lord Voldemort*.

"As I was saying, even if he looks stupid, he's actually pretty smart and almost has all As." by the way how calm they talked, I'd say that they're in some kind of relationship, family maybe?

"That's surprising..." I mumbled. This seriously changes everything I've built about him by now.

"I know, I know. Look at how gruff he looks now, he was such a cute and loving child." she smiled and before I had time to think or say something, I got hauled away by blushing Kieran from her office.

"Bye, visit again!" she said happily waving her hand before her voice turned to a cold one "And don't you dare make it be because of another detention." which made me gulp again.

The second encounter with her was way more interesting then the first one. He grabbed my hand and made me run after him to the school's woods. Why did he bring me here. Will he kill me now that I know his bad boy reputation is false as he's actually a good kid?

"Don't kill me, no one will miss me and it will be worthless because you'll end up in some spooky jail full of all kinds of creepy prisoners!" I said as fast as the situation formed in my head.

"What? I won't kill you, why would I?"

"Because I know that you're actually not that bad? And your grades were nice?" I asked unsure. If he won't kill me, why bring me here then?

"No, I wanted to prove it to you so you would stop calling me stupid!" he said shaking his head. Maybe that makes some sense...

"That was interesting." I said once we calmed down.

"Can't have been more embarrassing." he snickered at my thoughts.

"Do you know her? Personally I mean?" I asked just in case. This is bad, I started socializing.

"She's my brother's wife. Why?" Oh, I didn't expect that. For some weird reason, I was glad to hear that. I wonder why?

"Don't know, just asking." I shrugged. He was staring at me for some time before opening his mouth only to close them again. He repeated that several times before finally sighing.

"Damn it!" he cursed. "There's something about you... You're different than most of them..." he mumbled some nonsense.

"How to ask you this... Be my girlfriend!" he said happily as my jaw hit the ground (not literally). Is he serious?

A male like him simply do not ask an outcast like me to be his girfriend...

Or so I've thought...


*1 Reference to the movie "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of the Askaban" when prof. Lupin taught them 'ridiculous' spell and it was Neville's turn
*2 You gotta be kidding me if you don't know who Voldemort is...
Tip of the day:
Take into consideration that not everyone knows what you do, so use those references sometime when you doubt that people won't know what the word means.
Sure, you can also write it like '(A/N blah blah blah)' after the word in text, but it won't look Profesional like it does when using the 'star' thingy.
Day #7 - Chapter 5

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