Your powerful moment

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Sehzade Mustafa (MY):
You were sitting in harem with other girls when Mahidevran Sultan walked in. You all got up and bowed as she walked towards you. "Zehra hatun. I thought you'd be smarter than to attack a Sultana" she said, angry expression on her face. Just then did you notice Hatice Sultan behind her. You tried to say something, but Mahidevran Sultan raised her hand to slap you. You grabbed her wrist and gripped it tightly as you stepped closer to her, seeing fear starting to form in her eyes. "My way. My way or the highway"

Sehzade Mehmet:
You were eating with Mihrimah Sultan in her chambers. You were having quite a comfortable conversation when Mehmet barged in. You both looked at him, noticing how angry he looked. "Azra! I wonder who gave right to order my concubines!" he yelled at you, something he rarely ever did. You stood up and started yelling back, arguing back and forth while Mihrimah shouted at Mehmet everytime he said a curse word. You slowly started to lose your temper and the moment he said you're egomaniac, you snapped. You stepped closer to him and poked his chets with your finger. "You're the man, but I hold the power!"

Sehzade Selim:
You were eating on your balcony, chatting with your maids like usual. In the garden, Nurbanu was walking with some agha. You didn't care, really, you just minded your business. That was until you heard her shout at the poor man. "You imbecile! Can't you do anything right?! Do I have to do everything by myself?!" Nurbanu yelled, the poor man only looked down in fear. You walked to the edge of your balcony and glared down at her, seeing everyone in the garden bow as you shouted. "If you don't shut your mouth, I will shut it for you! Cunt!"

Sehzade Bayezid (MY):
You were walking with your children through halls when you crossed paths with Nurbanu. You despised her. So much, you refused to address her by her new name. You faked a smile as she smiled at you. You started a normal conversation until the subject of your children came up. You stepped closer to her so your children wouldn't hear. "If you try to harm my children, I'll have you walk on hot coals until you lit into flames" you whispered, earning a glare from her. She held her head high and said loudly "You wouldn't dare to hurt a Sultana!". You took another step closer as she took a step back. You held your index finger up, glaring right into her eyes. "Don't underestimate the things that I will do"

Sehzade Cihangir:
You were relaxing in the garden with Cihangir, both of you reading your favorite books while holding hands. It was suddenly disturbed when Sehzade Selim stormed towards you, yelling your name. You put your book down and got up to bow, but he stood so close to you, you almost fell back. Cihangir had to push him slightly away. "How dare you reject a Sehzade!? Do you not know your place in this palace?!" his shouts were so loud it made other royals come onto their balconies. You glared at him, picking your dress up a bit as you stepped closer, holding your head high. You held Cihangir's hand to assure him you've got this. "I got new rules, I count them"

Sehzade Ahmet:
Since you were Ahmet's favorite, you got the room on the upper floor of harem. One day, you decided to stand on the inner balcony to watch other girls. As you watched other girls, you locked eyes with Kosem. She glared up at you. You glared back and fixed your posture. You then went to your room to quickly put on a brooch in shape of tulip, the symbol of the Ottoman dynasty. You went back to the inner balcony and stood tall, making sure all the girls saw you. They all bowed, except for Kosem who glared at you even harder. You just smirked at her. "I'm in control. I'll rule you like a ruler"

Sehzade Mustafa (MYK):
It was a cloudy day, so you decided to sit on your balcony and spend some time with Halime Sultan. You were very open with her and pretty close. She was one of your closest friends. Once you got on the subject of Kosem, you both rolled your eyes. You started commenting on her behavior, the way she acted as she owned the world and as if she will sit on the throne. "What do you want, Leila? Do you want to rule the world like her?" Halime asked, taking a sip of her coffee. You looked out at the distance, taking your time to think about the answer. When you finally found it, you turned your head to her and smiled. "I want the world in my hands"

Sehzade Osman:
It was raining, a rare occasion in the past few weeks. You stood on your balcony, enjoying the cold weather and the sound of rain. You smiled to yourself until you heard a familiar chuckle behind you. Your smile instantly dropped as soon as Kosem's frame was in your sight. She stood next to you and watched the rain water the gardens. "It's a nice day, isn't it, Sultan'm?" she started a conversation, sending you a fake smile. You nodded and decided to talk to her anyway. It was more of insulting and sassing back and forth until she asked a particular question. "What do you want, Melek? If you wanted the throne, you would've killed me long ago" she turned fully to you as she waited for an answer. You chuckled, looking at her with a raised eyebrow. "Everybody wants to rule the world"

Sehzade Murad:
You were teaching your children how to polish a sword. They seemed to show great interest in the art of fighting. As you were telling them about the kinds of metals, Ayse Sultan walked in. Your children bowed while you set the things aside and walked to her. "Ayse, can I help you?" you asked as she looked around your room, taking in the many gifts Murad has given you. "Tell me, Nadia... Would you let Murad bring back the old laws?" she asked, finally looking you in the eyes. You knew exactly what law she meant. You looked at the ground smiling before lifting your gaze up to meet hers. "Who am I to disagree?"

Sehzade Ibrahim:
Since Atike Sultan decided to be your enemy, Ibrahim distanced himself from her, which cut her deep. Today, you were simply braiding your hair when she walked into your room. You looked at her through your mirror and smirked, seeing how she wasn't best looking. "Whatever spell you've put on me, take it back, witch! I am done with playing nice!" she yelled at you. It is true you played a witch to make her sleepless, but only because she threatened to take your children away. You got up from your chair and walked towards her. "What is your goal, Selma?! Huh?!" she continued to yell as you came to face her. "Filling your dreams to the brim with fright"

Sehzade Kasim:
You were very proud to be Kasim's wife. You finally got respect and fondness you always wanted. Only Kosem Sultan seemed to have a problem with you. One day, while you were cleaning around your room, she payed you a visit. You bowed and offered her to sit with you, but she refused. "I've come to ask you something" you nodded for her to continue. She stepped closer to you and looked you directly in the eye. "What are your plans, hatun?" she asked. You smirked as you looked at her. "I will have you and your children killed, so that Kasim'm could be the Sultan and I will be his Sultana" I explained as her face slowly turned into pure horror and terror. You took one step closer, causing her to stumble back. You chuckled and smirked again. "Are you feeling nervous?"

Sehzade Bayezid (MYK):
You were cuddling Bayezid on his bed. It was early morning and neither of you wanted to get up so early. You layed your head on his chest while his arm was wrapped around you. "Dilek'm" he called to you, his voice still raspy and muffled. You hummed softly for him to go on. "What would you do if Kosem or my brothers kill me?" his question caught you off guard. You leaned up on your elbows to look at him. He had fear and tears in his eyes as he looked at you. You stroked his cheek. "Bayezid'm... I'd make them pay..." you whispered, soothing the disturbed prince. "How?" he asked, leaning into your hand. "But I forced a new judgment day"

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