Their mother talks to you

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Sehzade Mustafa (MY):
You've met Mahidevran Sultan before when you were Mihrimah Sultan's maid. You didn't really have an opinion on her until Mustafa introduced you to her as his favorite. You bowed as you walked into her chambers, being called previously. She was sitting on the sofa, two cups of tea on the table in front of her. "Zehra hatun, come sit" she insisted, so you sat next to her. At first the conversation was light, you both sipped on your teas and talked about basic things. "Zehra. I hope you understand I have expectations of you. My lion is still young and I hope for grandchildren and successors from you" she explained simply. You nodded and assured her you will be loyal to her and Mustafa. She smiled softly and you continued with your normal conversation

Sehzade Mehmet:
You already knew Hurrem Sultan from when you were Sehzade Bayezid's teacher. She'd often visit your lessons to see her son or to question you about him. Today, she called you into her chambers. You were nervous because she didn't call you since Mehmet claimed you. You bowed and she smiled as she saw you. You sat with her on the sofa. Your conversation started normal, talking about health and weather as it was soon winter. "Azra. I have much trust in you, that is why I assigned you to my warrior Bayezid. I trust you with Mehmet's love and heart. I hope you two have a better relationship than his father and I, inshallah" she said kindly, smiling softly. You mumbled an amen to her prayers and promised her you'd be the best to her lion

Sehzade Selim:
Now, Hurrem Sultan liked you for many reasons, but the main one was that she hated Nurbanu. Nurbanu openly told her she only cares about power and Selim, threatened her and even tried to steal her ring. You, on the other hand, were always polite and respectful to the Sultana, always being loyal to her and on her side. One day, she called you onto her terrace to talk. You bowed and smiled as she patted the seat next to her. She poured you both a drink and smiled at you. After some minutes of talking, she turned serious. "Narin. Listen carefully. You must be the one to success me. Nurbanu is a snake, the one of the most vile kind. I know my lion loves you dearly and I trust you to point him to the right direction as his empress" she praised sternly and you nodded. You smiled and promised her you would make sure Nurbanu stays in her place

Sehzade Bayezid (MY):
Hurrem Sultan had neutral feelings about you. She was happy her son found love, but she didn't care too much to interfere. That was until one day she called you to her chambers. You were curious, so you agreed and came at the planned time. You both smiled at each other as you bowed and sat with her. Few minutes into the conversation, she stopped. "Emine. My warrior tells me a lot about you. Your kindness and knowledge are of great value. I believe you will be by his side through everything that comes his way" she explained as she sipped her drink. You blushed and thanked her for her kind words as you continued to talk normally

Sehzade Cihangir:
In all honesty, Hurrem Sultan was a bit suspicious of you. She didn't have the best experience with princesses in her palace. She thought you'd try to seduce Sultan Suleyman, but was surprised to learn you were interested in her son. After sometime, she visited your room. It was unexpected, but you still welcomed her with a smile and polite words. She smiled as she sat with you on the sofa. "Princess Emira. I've come to tell you how sorry I am about a misconception I made about you when you came to the palace. Please, do forigve me for judging you" she apologized, which made you laugh. You told her everything was fine and you didn't hold any grudges against her. She smiled and asked you about your heritage

Sehzade Ahmet:
Handan Sultan was a woman of pride. She was proud to be Sehzade's mother, but also to be of high rank. She had many problems with Anastasia, so she naturally preferred you. One evening, she called you to dine with her in her chambers. You bowed as she smiled at you and told you to sit with her. It was quiet at first, both of you eating and drinking in peace. She put her cup down and looked at you. "Azize. It's no secret my lion loves Anastasia hatun. But I know he truly only loves you. I see it in his smile and eyes when you're mentioned. I honestly hope you'll carry on with the dynasty" she said truthfully. You were shocked, but still thanked her and told her you'd do anything for her son

Sehzade Mustafa (MYK):
You already knew Halime Sultan, you were her maid after all. She was delighted when she learned you were Mustafa's favorite. She called you into her chambers for a drink and you were happy to come. You both sat onto her sofa and started catching up on things. As you told her how wonderful Mustafa is, she turned serious. "Leila. Listen now. You must save the dynasty. Is Kosem or her children rule, the dynasty will fall. You are this dynasty's last hope of survival" she said sternly, holding your hands. You nodded, a bit scared, but promised to do your best for the sake of the dynasty

Sehzade Osman:
Kosem toon Osman as her son after Mahifiruz died, but he didn't know that. As you were walking through halls, you crossed ways with her. You both glared at each other as you slowly passed each other. When you were next to her, she grabbed your arm and whispered to you. "Melek Sultan. Be careful. I see what you're trying to do to my son and I promise you... If you hurt my son in anyway, if you turn him against me... I will cut your head off" she threatened you. She tried to scare you, but it only angered you. You pulled your arm away and glared at her, cursing her and threatening her back. You stormed away angrily after promising her you'd make her suffer

Sehzade Murad:
You knew Kosem Sultan, everyone did, but you didn't think she'd pay any attention to you. You were training with other soldiers when it was announced she was here. You all stood in line and bowed as she walked towards you. She stopped right in front of you. "Nadia hatun. It was brought to my attention my son Murad likes you. I do hope you know your place" she said. Other soldiers snickered and laughed as Kosem smiled, satisfied with how she embarrassed you. But you just smirked, telling her you knew your place was next to Murad if he sat on the throne or if he was executed. She glared at you, now seeing you weren't an ordinary woman

Sehzade Ibrahim:
Kosem Sultan was feared by many because of her ruthlessness. You knew her, you've met her lots of times. Today was different. You were sitting in your room, reading your favorite book while playing with the necklace Ibrahim gave you. You were interrupted when she suddenly walked in and walked up to you. You got up and bowed. "Selma hatun. I hope you know what you're doing by betraying Atike for Ibrahim. My daughter came to me in tears when she learned of your affairs!" she yelled at you for abandoning Atike and getting with Ibrahim. You were in shock. You yelled back that Atike Sultan was always harsh to you and always rude to you. She called you various names before she finally left your room

Sehzade Kasim:
Kosem Sultan was looking at Kasim differently since she caught him with his brother's concubine. She didn't like he got with an ordinary maid instead of a concubine from his harem. So, one day when you were cooking in the kitchen, she visited you. You bowed and looked down as she looked at every inch of you. "Yasmin hatun. I heard you're a smart woman. So, as a woman to woman, know your place. If you know what's good for you, you'll avoid Kasim" she said, adding a smile at the end to intimidate you. You frowned and told her you and Kasim were in love and nothing could separate you

Sehzade Bayezid (MYK):
You've never seen or met Bayezid's mother. You just knew her name was Gulbahar Sultan. Whoever you asked about her, they'd just tell you to hope you'll never meet her. But one day, while you were in the royal gardens, you saw a woman sitting alone. She looked like a Sultana, but you've never seen her before. You decided to sit with her and talk. She was confused and had a frown, but she slowly started relax and talk openly with you. You two had a great time together, enjoying the tea and nice weather

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