They marry you

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Sehzade Mustafa (MY):
You weren't an only woman in Mustafa's life, you knew that. There were also Fatma and Mihrunisa, mothers of his children, just like you. One day, while you were brushing your hair when an agha informed you Mustafa wanted to see you outside. You were confused, but still decided to go. Once you were outside, Mustafa was waiting by a carriage. You walked up to him and he smiled, opening door and helping you in. You didn't know where you were going and when you asked him, he told you to trust him. After a short ride, you arrived at the nearby town. Still confused, you followed Mustafa to a mosque. "Zehra, my most beautiful hatun. I've decided to marry you" he smiled, kissing your forehead. You got married and you became the legal wife of Sehzade Mustafa, much to dislike of Fatma and other women in harem

Sehzade Mehmet:
Mehmet didn't really show much interest in harem, that was until Klara happened. Ever since you got the news he slept with her, you ignored him. One morning, you were walking through the gardens when Mehmet approached you. You were ready to bow and walk away, but he held your hand as soon as he stepped close to you. He asked you to walk with him, so you did. You barely talked about some basic topics: his father's health, his siblings, your children. After sometime of walking, you stopped at a mosque. "Azra, my purest love, we'll get married here today" he mumbled against your forehead as you smiled. You officially became Azra Sultan, legal wife of Sehzade Mehmet

Sehzade Selim:
Nurbanu never liked you or any other woman Selim slept with, but you didn't care much. You knew Selim loved you more than her and his family preferred you. One evening, while you were dining with your children, an agha informed you Selim wanted to see you. You kissed your children's heads and followed the agha out, walking down the many halls. Once you were in Selim's room, you got nervous at the sight of many imams there. While they were praying, Selim walked up to you and cupped your cheeks. "Narin, my most delicate flower. You've won my heart and mind" he whispered. After the imams finished, they wedded you and Selim

Sehzade Bayezid (MY):
Like many other Sehzades and Sultans, Bayezid had more than one woman. Defne was your constant rival for his love, but you've won that battle long ago. While you were walking through palace, Bayezid stopped you. He asked you to come to the meeting room and keep him company while imams were there. You agreed, of course, and followed him to the room. As you both sat onto the throne, the imams started praying. You were confused as you haven't heard this kind of prayer before. Bayezid took your hand and smiled at you. "Emine, my bravest hatun. You'll be wielding an honor of being my wife" he whispered while kissing your hand. At that moment, you knew your love would last forever and nothing would stand in between

Sehzade Cihangir:
You were the only woman in Cihangir's heart, but not in his bed. Even though girls in harem avoided him because of his hunchback, one girl made it her mission to give him a child and become a Sultana. You thought Cihangir fell in love with her because he never sent her away and even gave her the favorite rooms. You had no reason to stay, so you told your kids to pack and you started packing yourself. Upon hearing this, Cihangir hurried to your room to convince you to stay. You didn't want to listen, but he kissed you and made you forget you were ever mad. "Princess, Emira'm, you're the only woman I truly love. You've conquered my heart completely" he continued to praise and compliment you until he finally confessed "I will marry you. I will show everyone where my love lies". And so he did

Sehzade Ahmet:
Kosem and Mahfiruz have given Ahmet plenty of children, but so far you were the most successful to give him heirs. Now, Mahfiruz respected Ahmet's decision to keep her as his political advisor, but Kosem couldn't get over the fact he stopped calling her after you gave birth to your last child. You were hanging out with girls in harem when Ahmet called you to his room. You went to his room and noticed the imams on the balcony. He smiled at you and hugged you, whispering in your ear. "Azize, my beloved hatun. From tomorrow on, we'll live as husband and wife" he said to you, kissing your hair. You smiled as he led you to the balcony where the imams were and started the ceremony

Sehzade Mustafa (MYK):
Thankfully, Mustafa was a bit dumb and didn't really pay attention to women in harem. Halime Sultan was very pleased with you, so she didn't pressure Mustafa about harem. One day, while you were playing with your children, you noticed Mustafa approaching you with the imams behind him. He smiled when he saw you and hugged you, kissing your children's heads. "Leila, the star in my nights. I've thought a lot and decided I want to marry you" he whispered, making you blush and smile. You nodded and let him lead you and your children inside the palace

Sehzade Osman:
You, like your mother, were very intelligent and beautiful. Your mother tried to marry you several times, but each time you refused. You still kept the secret of who the father of your children is, so she was working on that mystery too. Meanwhile, Osman snuck you two into a mosque that hasn't worked on years and bribed an imam to marry you in secret. You were over the moon by love. "Sultana'm, your love is everything to me. I want to strengthen our love even more" he whispered playfully as the imam started the ceremony. You giggled and shook your head at his childish behavior

Sehzade Murad:
Ayse and Farya were already fighting for Murad's love, but you came first and they knew you'd be hard to get rid of. You were more stubborn than Murad and definitely more dangerous than both of them. One day while you were sitting on your balcony with your maids, Murad walked in. He ordered the maids to leave and smirked at you. "Nadia, my hope in my darkest nights. I will love you till the end of time" he said right before he kissed you. You heard the imams starting to pray as you held onto Murad's arms

Sehzade Ibrahim:
Ibrahim had many concubines. From Dilasub to Turhan, he had them all. But no one compared to you. Ibrahim called you to his chambers and once you were inside, you saw imams praying. You walked to Ibrahim confused, but he just smiled at you. "Selma, my peaceful place. Do me the honor and become my wife" he basically begged you as he kissed your hands. You giggled and nodded, smiling from ear to ear

Sehzade Kasim:
Kasim was loyal to you and you only, everyone knew that. His mother tried many times to send him a concubine, but he refused each time. One night, you were peacefully reading a book when Kasim sneaked into your room. You jumped at the sudden feeling of his hands holding your waist. You smacked his arms as he laughed at your reaction. He layed next to you and pulled you closer. "Yasmin, my flower. Tomorrow we will marry and when I become the emperor, you will be my empress" he whispered into your neck. You just hummed in response as you both drifted off to sleep

Sehzade Bayezid (MYK):
Bayezid and you made this tradition to spend one week of the month at your house. Like that, one night you were eating when Bayezid got an idea. He put his spoon down an turned to you. "Dilek" he called to you. You hummed in response, still eating. "I wish to marry you" he said, making you choke on your drink. You coughed and looked at him, seeing his usual stern frown. You were unsure at first, but you loved him, so you agreed. You both walked out your house and went to the nearest mosque, where an imam confirmed your marriage

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