"Yeah, it was a trap." Wolf said.

"Wolf, are you stupid? Only an idiot would fall for something like that." Owl said with an angry expression.

"That's like the oldest criminal trick in the book." Owlcolm said.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't my prized pupils. And you've brought along the governor and my partner. Or should I say...the Crimson Paw and Officer Owlcolm?" Marmalade said.

"What an ingenious idea to disguise a Zumpango diamond, hiding it in plain sight." Marmalade explained as he took out the diamond from the ring.

"You got to be kidding me." Wolf said.

"What? I'm sentimental." Diane said.

"You always did have panache. And yet, you still fell right into my trap." Marmalade said as he put the diamond in his pocket.

"But how did you know we'd even be here?" Owlcolm asked.

"Oh, I got a little tip from a friend." Marmalade said.

After he finished talking, the door opened as they heard someone hissing. Which revealed to be none other than...

"Hey, buddies. How's it hanging?" Snake said as he slithered inside.

"Snake." Wolf and Owl said as they, Diane, and Owlcolm glared at him.

"(Chuckle) What can I say? We just clicked." Snake said as he wrapped his body around Marmalade.

"Oh, yeah? How does it feel to be working for your favorite food?" Owl asked angrily.

"Ah, you're just jealous to be missing out on the heist of the century. It's got everything: betrayal, a meteor, mind control." Snake explained.

"Can I try it on?" Snake asked.

"Of course, partner." Marmalade said as he took off the helmet and gave it to Snake.

"Nice. All the crime with none of the exercise." Snake said as he pushed a button on the helmet.

It made a whirring sound with the two light bulbs blinking.

"What about all that 'flower of goodness' talk? Was it all just a lie?" Wolf asked.

"Uh, pretty much, yeah. You see, I never cared about what's 'good.' Only what's good for me." Marmalade explained.

"Like, say, a billion dollars." Marmalade said as his body vibrated.

"Ooh, I just got a tingle." Marmalade said.

"What about everything that Owlcolm said about the 'goodness inside you' talk?" Owl asked.

"Oh, everything he said was all true. You see, unlike me, he only cares about what's good for not just him but for everyone else." Marmalade explained.

"Which makes him weak for thinking about others." Marmalade said as he and Snake laughed with Wolf, Owl, Diane, and Owlcolm watching them leave.

"Go bad..." Snake said as he and Marmalade fist bumped.

"Or go home." Marmalade finished as they walked/slithered out of the room.

"Cuddles, finish them." Marmalade said as the door closed.

Cuddles pushed a lever as Wolf, Owl, Diane, and Owlcolm were being lowered down to a circle. The circle opened up, revealing to have hundreds of spinning blades as they screamed in fright. And then, green gas came out of an air vent from the ground.

"(Yelp) Poison gas." Diane said.

"Oh, that is just so evil." Owl said.

"Don't breathe it in." Diane said as she, Wolf, Owl, and Owlcolm held their breath.

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