His Past

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Hajimes pov

"come on come on. There's gotta be something!" I muttered to myself as I snooped around gundams office. I have to find out something about him. Something that will help me save my friends! Somehow I gotta know what makes gundam tick.

Suddenly a book fell out of a nearby drawer. Curiously I picked it up. The title read "direy of the dark lord". I grinned to myself. Perfect!

I flipped through the pages until something caught my eye.

Dear direy
Today is my birthday. I'm turning eight! I invited everyone from my class but no one showed up. I'm sure they had a good reason! I'll just ask them tomorrow.

Dear Direy
I asked my classmates why they couldn't come and they said it was because I'm a freak and they didn't want to spend anymore time with me then they had to. That makes me sad. Why do people avoid me?

Dear direy
Today I'm meeting my daddy for the first time. I'm really excited. Maybe I can learn more about myself by meeting him. Maybe I'll understand why people hate me!

The next page was written in messy scribbles, as if the child writing it was distressed. It said.

Dear direy
I think I understand now why the world despises me. My father is a demon. That can be the only explanation as to why he hurts kind people like mama. That means I'm a demon too. A monster, just like they said I was. I suppose it's time I find out what this demon can do..

So that's why gundam is the way he is. I can't help but feel bad for him. I flipped forward until I got to the very last page.

21st January 2022
Dear direy
It is time. These Remnants have gotten in the way of world domination for long enough. I have a plan. Our lady can help me once again. I just need the help of the future Fondation.

"future Fondation?" I muttered to myself "aren't they the guys who put us here? Why is gundam working for them?"

"why don't you ask me yourself my dark Prince"

at Deaths Door (mastermind Gundam X Hajime) Where stories live. Discover now