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"Hello newbie."

Makena Kamara-Anderson turned her head to the side as she entered the Mclaren garage, since she had been accepted for the job of interviewing Mclaren drivers for the social media accounts of Mclaren.

She first noticed the dark curls, then the bright and cheery smile, then the Mclaren shirt which held the number 3 on it.

This was none other than Daniel Ricciardo.

"I'm Daniel, you're the new kid on the block, aren't you?" Daniel Ricciardo greeted the young woman, as soon as she entered the garage.

He had wanted to be the first one to meet their new social media manager and interviewer, since he wanted to welcome her and make sure that she wasn't nervous.

Plus, Sebastian had informed him that he had met her previously and got her to apply for the job, which she smashed the interview of.

Sebastian had also told him that her father, Abu, was a big fan. And, he had also told him how the girl momentarily froze upon meeting him for the first time.

Makena's eyes widened at the presence of the Australian, blinking repeatedly as she froze once more.

Until, she heard the laughter of the Ricciardo man.

Daniel laughed as he watched her freeze upon meeting him, finding it hilarious that all she could do was blink at him.

"I'm- I'm Makena." The girl stuttered out before regaining her composure, knowing that she needed to get along with the drivers and impress them otherwise she could end up being fired on her very first day.

Which would have been embarrassing.

"Nice to meet you, Makena. Welcome to Mclaren, the place where you could do drugs and nobody would notice." Daniel grinned as he noticed her smile which fought to make an appearance.

"Talking from experience?" Makena rose an eyebrow at the Australian, her smirk forming on her lips.

Daniel shook his head with a smile as he laughed, causing a small laugh to leave her throat. "Nope, but I've seen some people pass through here who definitely have."

Makena rolled her eyes as he winked at her, a laugh erupting from his throat. "That's not my thing, but it's good to know that I could get away with being hungover."

Daniel Ricciardo wrapped an arm around her shoulders as he pulled her along, walking them both through the garage.

"Hangover besties?" Daniel spoke in a high pitched voice as he smiled, waving at multiple workers within the Mclaren garage.

Makena nodded her head, her brown curls bouncing against her back since she had tied her hair back in to a ponytail.

"Definitely, Hangover besties."


"Makena, this is my team mate."

Daniel Ricciardo introduced the girl to his team mate, before finding that his team mate was staring at her already.

"Lando." Daniel coughed. "Say hi."

Lando Norris awkwardly smiled at the beautiful girl in front of him, waving at her.

Makena furrowed her eyebrows together as she noticed his awkward smile and wave as he stared at her.

She just slowly nodded her head before returning the awkward wave, her eyes glancing to the side, to see the Australian beside her, desperately trying to hold back his laughter.

"H-hi." Lando's voice broke as he talked, sounding incredibly high pitched.

Daniel had to cover his mouth with his hand as he laughed silently, tears falling from his eyes at how hard he was having to strain to do so.

"Hello." Makena nodded slowly as she spoke to him, seeing the Norris boy still waving awkwardly, as if it was all that he knew.

Daniel laughed harder as he noticed his young team mate, still waving before he was elbowed in the ribs by the Anderson girl, causing his silent laughter to not be so silent anymore.

"I'm Norris. Lando Norris."

Lando closed his eyes as the embarrassment hit his body, upon the instant realisation of what he had just said hit him like a bus.

He was definitely not James Bond. Why had he said his name like that?

Makena smiled teasingly at the young Mclaren driver before she winked at him.

"I'm Kamara-Anderson. Makena Kamara-Anderson." She laughed loudly, shaking her head. "That sounds awful, thank god I'm not a spy."

The two Mclaren drivers grinned at the girl before Lando managed to escape his repetitive cycle of awkwardly waving as he broke out of his trance.

"It's nice to meet you, Makena. Welcome to Mclaren." Lando held his hand out for the woman to take, so that he could shake her hand and hopefully make her forget about his embarrassing behavior.

"It's nice to meet you too, Norris, Lando Norris." Makena smirked at him, seeing his cheeks tinged pink, as she shook his hand.

Daniel Ricciardo watched carefully as he noticed that the pair both had pink cheeks, though he couldn't tell if the pink that resided on the cheeks of the new girl, was down to his team mate, or her makeup.

He really needed to learn about makeup to be able to tell.

"So, Makena, are you a Formula One fan?" Daniel asked the young girl as the three of them walked further in to the garage of Mclaren.

"I am! My father is what I call a super fan, so if you see a six foot four giant wearing Sebastian Vettel merchandise, run for your life before he tells you all about his formula one car that he is building at home."

The two Mclaren drivers immediately decided that the girl in front of them was a welcome arrival in the Mclaren garage, seeing how much she lightened up the place purely by being in the building.

"It can't be that bad, right?" Lando giggled at the thought of being chased down the paddock by Makena's father.

"My father is from Sierra Leone, he has no filter and he will talk for a weeks of somebody gives him the time of day." Makena explained with a giggle, as her hand slightly brushed up against the hand of the Norris boy.

Butterflies immediately shot through the stomach of the Norris boy, as his cheeks became more a red shade.

He couldn't wait to get to know Makena Kamara-Anderson more.




Sorry, I tend to get overexcited when I write new books. (Also, I forget to turn my caps lock off so you know)

Whatever vibes this gives off, I don't know so I call it....

🌠Ruby's mind vibes🌠

Enjoy this!


MY SUNSHINE// LANDO NORRIS Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz