Chapter 13- To Woo a Woman

Start from the beginning

I'm sure there's something worth loving in me. Afterall, I didn't mean to brag or anything, but I was reminded almost too often about my good looks, and perfect body. Furthermore, I was wealthy, influential, and famous, the perfect bachelor, right?

With the sudden confidence boost, I continued to read the paragraph.

Don't be cocky. Women hate men who brag about themselves.


"Forget this nonsense, I have better stuff to be doing right now," I scoffed, closing the tab with an offended glare.

"Why don't you just get her flowers? Women love flowers,"

"What the! -" I jumped up, almost knocking the monitor over as I shot my head around to see Carlos stood behind me, a pile of papers in his hands as he stood behind me, reading over the article I had been looking at for inspiration.

"How long have you been there?" I asked, quickly closing the tab as I glared at him.

"Since you said they were all stupid and then carried on reading them anyway. You were so invested in reading that you didn't hear me knock on the door, so I invited myself in, and you still didn't notice my presence, so I thought I'd-"

"-You can stop talking, I get it," Frowning, I released an annoyed breath of air, resting my cheek against my palm as I realised how far I've fallen to not be able to woo the one woman whose heart I wanted to win.

"Do you want my advice?" Carlos asked as he sat on the opposite side of my desk.

"Whatever it is, I'm sure it'll be better than this stupid article," I glared at the computer screen as I spoke, slouching back on my chair as I massaged my temples.

"Give her time."

I stared at him for the longest time.

"Never mind, that's worse than the article,"


"Here, I signed all the documents. I have a meeting to get to now so don't bother me," I quickly scribbled my signature onto the paper before shutting the file and sliding it towards him as he took it with an offended look.

Standing up, I shrugged into my suit jacket, looking over my appearance in the mirror before going to leave the office, but paused by the door as I turned to look at my secretary with a warning look on my face.

"And Carlos..."

"Yes, boss?" He grumbled, piling up all the documents to pick up.

"Not a word of what just happened a minute ago to anyone, am I understood?" He paused, turning to look at me, and getting the fact that this wasn't a joke, he quickly nodded his head.


The rest of the day went by smoothly; the meeting's I had were all a success, the new recruits that I interviewed looked promising, and I was able to get a good night's sleep despite the haunting face of a beautiful woman that refused to leave my mind.

So, when I woke up the next morning, feeling slightly groggy, I washed up without a care, and got into my black suit, pinning my tie clip onto my tie, as well as my cufflinks onto my sleeves, and putting my wristwatch on, I made my way downstairs to where the aroma of a filling breakfast overtook my senses.

I lived in one of the biggest estates in all of Rome, it was home to the head of the Romano family for over a hundred years, so as empty as it was, it was home. 

It was definitely a beautiful piece of architecture, made up of limestone with large, tinted glass windows, and more bedrooms, living rooms, and dining rooms than I care to remember. I mostly just used the gym, and indoor pool when I exercised most mornings, and other than that, I was in my study, but I remember hanging out in the movie room whenever I had my friends over years ago. But now, I was so busy I was barely at home.

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