Chapter 7

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Notice: Hey guys, it's me again. Thank you, all of you for supporting this book, I know I change it a lot from the movies we've seen but a lot of you guys still spent your time to read this. Once again, thank you so much. Now to the main point, I will stop writing this book for few weeks or maybe a month I don't know sure, all to go back to my first one. I have abandoned it quite a while now so I think it should be good to write it more. Therefore, I'm truly sorry for those who like this book, I will meet you guys next month. See ya.

(P/S: The next time, I come back. I will find another cover image to this book, this one doesn't look good at I've expected.)

The next day, inside S.H.I.E.L.D. Dam Facility,

The team was sitting on the big table and figuring a plan to stop the HYDRA. Peter stood outside and leaned on the wall while listening to their conversation. He didn't want to bother them much or interfered with their business.

Fury revealed his plan to hijack the targeting system of the Helicarriers, and Hill explained the details of how the Helicarriers were set to triangulate their weapon system with the Insight satellites, so they need to replace their targeting systems with the chips Fury had, replacing the three of them, as even only one of the Helicarriers would kill a large amount of people deemed as targets.

Fury wanted to purge S.H.I.E.L.D. from the HYDRA infiltration, assuming that the whole crew in the carriers were members of HYDRA. So, they could salvage what was left of S.H.I.E.L.D. after stopping project Insight.

But Steve refused, saying that they were going to take down S.H.I.E.L.D.

"We are not just taking down the Helicarriers. We're talking down S.H.I.E.L.D."

"S.H.I.E.L.D has nothing to do with it."

Fury didn't like that idea so he argued with Steve. But Steve didn't back out so easily.

"You gave me this mission. This is how it ends. S.H.I.E.L.D has been compromised, you said so yourself. HYDRA grew right under your nose and nobody noticed."

"Why do you think we're meeting in this cave. I noticed."

"How many people had paid the price before you did?"

Fury froze for a second then he apologized about Bucky Barnes's situation as a puppet for HYDRA aka the metal arm man who Peter had met earlier.

"Listen. I didn't know about Barnes."

On the advantage, Steve continued shot at Fury with hurtful words which made Peter from the corner felt uncomfortable.

"Even if you had, you had told me or would you compartmentalize that too? S.H.I.E.L.D. HYDRA. It all goes."

"He's right."

The voice from the person next to Fury spoke up. Peter was very surprised that it was Hill who said that. He always thought that she would be on Fury's side but this time, she agreed with Steve. And not just here, Natasha also silently showed she backed up Rogers' decision.

Fury then looked at the black guy named Sam Wilson replied to Fury.

"Don't look at me. I do what he does just slower."

Fury acknowledged that he was on the disadvantage of the minority so he looked back to Peter in the corner.

Peter knew that Fury was seeking for help so he decided to join in the meeting.

"I'm not say that you're wrong. But would you mind thinking of giving some mercy?"

Peter's words caught their attention as they turned their heads back to him. Steve walked up to Peter while giving him his deadly glare. But Peter kept his cool, he had been more worse than this kind of situation before so there's nothing made him scare anymore, just a simple look didn't him terrified at all.

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