“You look amazing, Emma.” he said, swinging an arm around my shoulders. “I’m glad you came.”

“It’s nice to see you, Oliver.” I smiled at him, trying to take a step back.

He was leaning on me, and I thought I would crumple under his weight.

“Do you have a drink?” he asked me as he took another sip from his cup.

I pointed at the cup in my other hand.

“Good.” he grinned. “Do you and your friend want to join me and my guys?”

“We want to walk around a bit.” Hazel said, grabbing my arm and pulling me away from Oliver. “Maybe later.”

“Cool.” Oliver nodded. “Come see me later, Emma. You are a sight for sore eyes.”

Oliver looked me up and down lustfully, and I crossed my arms over my chest, trying to cover myself up.

Hazel rolled her eyes, grabbed my arm again and started pulling me away from him.

“Thank you.” I sighed once we were away from him.

“You are welcome.” Hazel said, looking over her shoulder. “He is annoying.”

“He means well.” I said. “He just can’t take a hint.”

I’ve gotten to know Oliver a little bit over the last week, and he seemed nice. I was aware that he liked me, but I wasn’t interested.

Hazel and I walked around. The party was in full swing. People were dancing, laughing, and making out everywhere I looked. There were even more people swimming in the lake now. I guess the alcohol kept them warm.

I had my eye out for Mason, but I still didn’t see him anywhere. Maybe he didn’t even come to the party.

“Are you aware that every guy here is looking at you?” Hazel asked me, chuckling and sipping on her beer.

I furrowed my eyebrows and looked around. I didn’t notice it before, but she was right. It wasn’t just the guys, though. The girls looked at me as well, but it was a different kind of look. Contempt. I was used to it. I was getting that look from them all week long. The guys were looking at me with interest.

“It’s because of my fight with Mason.” I sighed, taking a sip of my beer. “You know that we are the most interesting topic in school right now.”

I kept hearing all the different stories about me. Some said I was his cousin, while others said I was his sister. Most girls thought I was a whore who broke his heart, but they were afraid I would steal him from them. I stopped listening to all the different versions after Wednesday. It didn’t really matter what other people thought. I was planning on leaving soon anyway. I didn’t exactly know how, but I was planning it.

“I think it has more to do with how your ass looks in these jeans.” Hazel laughed, making me roll my eyes at her.

I raised the cup to my lips, wanting to take another sip, when someone janked it out of my hand.

Hazel gasped quietly, and I looked up, confused.

Cold eyes were staring down at me, and I froze.

“What the hell are you doing?!” Mason said through his teeth.

Chis and Jax were standing behind him, sighing and rolling their eyes.

“Hanging out with Hazel.” I said quietly.

I tried to take a step back from him, but my body refused to move.

Mason looked at the drink in my cup, sipped it, and narrowed his eyes at me when he realized it was beer.

“Why are you drinking?” he asked. “You are not allowed to drink.”

My eyes widened. What the hell is he talking about?

“Mase, man, leave her be.” Jax sighed.

Mason turned to him with a murderous look. I glanced at Hazel, who looked annoyed.

“Leave her be?!” Mason said angrily. “Every fucking man here is looking at my sister. She is drinking, she is alone and you want me to leave her be?!”

My heart stopped beating.

Does he care?

“She is not alone.” Chris sighed. “She is with her friend and it’s one beer, Mason.”

I glanced at Hazel, whose annoyed look turned into a stunned one. She was staring at the boys wide-eyed.

Mason turned back to me and I froze again.

“Go to your dorm room, E...” he said, but stopped himself before saying my name.

Why can’t he say my name?

Mason took a deep breath, running a hand through his hair. “Just go to your room.”

I stared at him as he stood up straighter, glaring angrily at the people around us.

“If any one of you fuckers touches her, I will hunt you down and kill you!” Mason shouted, making everyone look at him and me.

My mouth dropped open. Why is he doing this?

Mason gulped down the beer in my cup and walked away.

Chris and Jax turned to look at me and Hazel. Chris smiled softly at me, while Jax grinned.

“Don’t mind him.” Chris sighed. “He is drunk and in denial.”

“But maybe go to your room, though.” Jax added. “He is scary protective when he is drunk.”

I started at them, unable to form words.

What the hell just happened? Why did Mason do this?

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