Chapter 1 (Spidey Senses)

Start from the beginning

Renata wasn't in the best mood to socialize with the general public, and especially those who sought the unique comfort of silver, shining poles, heels higher than heaven, and thongs, but she'd make the sacrifice if it meant surrounding herself with the healing energy that was Diamond.

RENATA: I'm omw


Renata threw down her phone onto her unmade bed. She approached her dresser and removed her underwear, exchanging them for a more cheeky pair. After switching her pink top for a black one, she pulled on some baggy mom jeans and scruffed up sneakers.

A slicked back bun at the nape of her neck would have to do considering she wasn't washing her hair for several more days.

As she grabbed her little black shoulder bag, she put on her silver necklace. It was heavy, shaped as a heart. Renata never left without her mother.

Renata locked her apartment door behind her.

The front desk security, Jordan, raised his brows at her, taking her in once she made it into the lobby. He never bothered to conceal his liking for her, but he thankfully never pushed her boundaries either. Because of that, she gladly chatted with him. "Late night on a Tuesday, huh?" He ran his hand over his shortly cropped hair, not that there was a wave out of place—there never was.

"You know me," Renata applied some chapstick as she spoke, "always the party animal."

"Just stay safe out there, okay?" She appreciated the real concern coming from him, especially paired with that thousand-watt smile. Okay, maybe Renata thought Jordan was cute.

"Have a good night, Jordan."

As Renata stepped into the outside world, the cars raced by, whipping up the air. The back of her neck tickled and she glanced around, doing a spin for good measure. She took the taser out of her bag and held it close as she booked it to the parking garage.

Renata considered the idea that she was in a horror movie as the lights flicked above in the parking lot. Yeah, she moved with a pep in her step. She checked her small black car before getting in and locking the doors behind her. Feeling a little better, she started the car, put on some reggaeton, and got to driving.


Renata pulled into the parking lot of the medium-sized building. The purple and mint green neon sign read 'Nope Corner'. The muffled music warned that her eardrums were about to be furious with her. Instead of waiting in the car, she decided to go in and collect her best friend instead. Besides, it would be nice to see some old pals.

The night sky loomed with promises—what kind, she wasn't sure of just yet—as she approached the entrance.

The bouncer, who stood at a solid six feet, recognized her. "Well if it ain't Lolli!"

Renata put her hands on her hips. "Well, are you going to let me in or what, Mario?"

He scratched his beard hair, contemplating a response. "I've gotta think about it."

"How's school?"

Mario smiled from ear to ear. "Going into my senior year this next fall semester. Thank you for asking. I'm gotta take a guess and say you're here for Diamond? Or is Natalia getting one of her best dancer's back?"

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