A First

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You start walking "home" when you smell someone behind you, you quickly turn around using your alpha powers inherited by the alpha king (your non existent father) you don't see anything but hear a rustle sound...

you can still smell them.

You start looking around, poking through the trees. When you suddenly see in the corner of your eye black hair. Then realize that smell is familiar...


And so, you start running towards that bush and quickly rip it in half to reveal, guess... the girl from earlier!

"Hi...wanna be friends"
you then bark in excitement
you've never had a friend before.

"Um...Ill take that as a yes.."

You watch them reach for your ear and quickly pull away

"No! I don't trust you..."
"Oh. Okay see you later"

You feel super happy and decide you will make something for your best friend (your only friend) and give it the next day!

Your family always associated stuff that came from themselves special, so you start with that. You're on your period, so this means you can use your menstrual blood!

You see a abandoned cup near by McDonalds, you take it and excitedly skip to a stall!

After waiting a bit, you get the perfect amount.
time to look for the next item.

You look next to you and see a toilet paper roll. Oh! I can do a painting!

A few moments later your art looks like a newborn made it. Its the thought that counts.

You drink the left over and head to bed (aka the floor) and start to fall asleep

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