Its been a while but good news

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Hey Everyone!! Its been a very very long time, but I am back. And I want to let you know of the new and improved version of my PREVIOUS book, Age Is Just A Number. I decided that I wanted to rewrite this book. I began this book in 2013..I was 15 at the time and I was writing from a place of imagination and no experience in life. Meaning that when I would read the story over again, it was VERY cringey 😬...and going on with that, I didnt finish this book until 2016, and I then made the sequel and a spin off book later on up until today. And it is evident that my writing style has changed DRASTICALLY especially because I did graduate university with a film degree.

So with all that being said, Im rewriting the first book. All the characters will be same and the plot will be the same for the most part, but one thing that will be different is the character development. I realized in the first book, its all very jumbled and its written not so well, and the characters deserve alot more than what I gave them especially because the sequels have things that doesnt quite connect with the first book. So Im making it alot more cohesive and alot more entertaining

I hope you all enjoy re-reading Age is Nothing but A Number which is now up available to read and I thank you all for the support

My old book, I had to take down some of the chapters...I hated that I had to do that. But for this one?? ALL CHAPTERS WILL BE ON WATTPAD😌😌😌

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