Beginning of Resistance

Start from the beginning

Her smile had little comfort. After all, it was not the ending to the day she'd like. "Good."

Izuku regretted this as well, "I don't want you to do this... but I need you to. How long should I give you?"

Thinking for a moment, Sadako gave an estimation, "A month. I can get them in a month... at the latest..."

He stepped towards her, pulling her into an awkward hug. He was clearly out of his element, but didn't shy away from comforting his girlfriend. The Onryo reciprocted, while he told her: "Thank you... I love you."

"I love you too," Sadako gave him a quick kiss on the cheek, taking advantage of her proximity to Izuku, reddening him in the process, and then broke away from the hug. She approached the TV, where it went to static, then showed the image of her well. A moment passed, where she demanifested, entering the screen, and leaving both Midoriyas in their room. Izuku turned to his shocked mother and then said, "I think I will want to speak with Nezu tomorrow..."

Inko worried throughout the night. As soon as she mentioned Nezu, it was like a switch flipped. Well, maybe not Nezu specifically, perhaps when she told him Nezu saw him as a possible hero student? That was it.

He became fixated on something. Where was the carefree boy she used to know, who loved heroics? Her Izuku was now acting like a soldier, and it worried her. So much so that she almost didn't sleep. But, she did, and the next morning wasn't any different. She looked at him worriedly as he continued to act with resolve. It was an unnatural resolve.

As she drove him to UA, he seemed to have a lot on his mind, and the fact he wouldn't tell her worried the greenette far more than Izuku realized. When they arrived, she couldn't go with him, especially since he insisted on going alone... as if it was a battle he was facing...

Izuku walked through the open gates. He felt like he was entering a new realm, one not quite as mindbreaking as the Entity's, but headed by a being just as sadistic and unknowable: Nezu the Chimera.

He was a unique being, even on Earth. The only non-human to have what people call a quirk, although that isn't necessarily true. Quirks are a purely human trait here. No, it was due to Nezu's inherent unnatural state that was the reason why he was so dangerous. And, like the Entity, he liked to collect... unique individuals... to his cause. With Nezu calling on Izuku specifically, the greenette now knew he was the next on his list. He would not fall so easily.

When he reached the main building, he was greeted by Toshinori. He smiled, "Hello Young Midoriya. Are you feeling alright?"
He had full respect for the blond man, as he helped keep his mother from falling into despair. Both him and Allmight. And his response reflected that. "I am, thank you Mr. Yagi."

He laughed, brushing the formalities aside. "No problem. So, what do you think? You're being offered a place in the hero course..."

Izuku though, remained somber, "I heard... but I'm not sure if I should accept."

The gaunt blond thought for a moment, before agreeing with the boy, "Well, there are pros and cons... but do you want to be a hero?"

Izuku nodded, "I want to save everyone I can from... that thing."

Toshinori smiled at his heroic intentions, "I see. Do you have a plan to do so?"

Izuku nodded again. "But being a hero student might get in the way of that."

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