Chapter 42: Loyalty.

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Chris pulled up his car on the side of the street putting it in to park. It was Friday night and he had just finished his second therapy session. He had told Luna a little white lie and said that his session would be two hours instead of one so that he could sneak off and do what he needed to do.

That's why he was now standing outside Ed's apartment block after getting the address from Jake, who had also given Chris the code for the building as he knew it was unlikely that his older brother would even buzz him in.

Chris punched in the code before entering the building, heading straight for the elevator and up to the sixth floor. The doors opened as he reached the floor and he stepped out on to a long hallway that only had two doors. He took a few steps to the door that had 602 written on it in bold.

He rang the bell before he heard movement inside. As he heard Ed's footsteps approaching the door he felt his hands start to feel clammy. He honestly had no idea what he was going to say, but he knew he had to do this, for Luna.

Ed opened the door a few seconds later and immediately after seeing Chris the smile quickly fell from his face, before he went to shut the door on him.

"Wait please" Chris asked as he jammed his foot in the door to stop it from closing, "Please Ed I just wanna talk"

Ed sighed as he stepped away slightly and Chris pushed his way in. Chris shut the door behind him as he looked around Ed's apartment, it was huge and your typical club owner bachelor pad. Chris followed slowly as Ed headed through the open plan room and straight to the kitchen island. He pulled out two glasses from a cupboard and then walked over to the bar in the corner and pulled out his most expensive whiskey.

"Come on then, let's talk" Ed spoke as he poured them both a drink and took a seat in one of the bar stools. Chris took a seat opposite as Ed pushed the drink towards him. Chris looked down at the liquid knowing that just a sip would help give him the courage to say what he wanted to, but he quickly remembered the reason he was here was for Luna and he promised her he would get help.

"I'm good thanks man, I'm kind of not drinking at the moment" Chris spoke as he pushed the glass away from him, not completely convinced that he wouldn't cave if he didn't.

"No worries" Ed nodded as he looked up at Chris. He had to admit he looked better than the last time he saw him. Over the last nine months Chris had occasionally drank in Ed's clubs, even when he'd been over in LA. Ed hadn't told his sister but he had seen Chris once or twice and he never looked good. For Ed it just solidified his opinions on Chris, he was a playboy that didn't care who he hurt.

"Look Ed I know you don't like me and I understand why. I know loyalty is big with you, Luna told me so and I know what I did to Matt was awful. Believe me when I say it tore me apart and I will carry that guilt around with me for the rest of my life." Chris shook his head as he looked Ed in the eyes, trying his best to get a read on him, but he just sat there, no emotion in his face.

"I know you think I'm just gonna do the same thing to Luna, but I swear to you I would never intentionally hurt her. I have never ever been in love with anyone the way I am with her. She is the best thing that has ever happened to me and the last nine months without her have been utter hell, the worst of my life. I can't live without her Ed and all I want to do is make her happy. I know how much you mean to her, she's been in bits since your phone call the other night."

Chris watched as Ed shook his head slightly and he saw his wall start to break. Clearly Ed cared a lot about his sister, Chris could see that from a mile off.

"I'm not asking you to like me, I understand why you don't but I'm trying Ed I really am, I just want to make Luna happy and give her the life she deserves. She needs you, she really does. Spending this time without her has made me realise I never want to be apart from her again. I've already decided that once I've gotten myself better and I can fully take care of her again, that I'm going to ask her to marry me."

Ed's eyes shot up from where they had been staring at his glass. He looked deep in to Chris's eyes and he could see that he wasn't lying. He was really serious.

"And before I do I'm going to come back here and I'm going to ask for your blessing because I know how much that will mean to Luna. I swear I am going to do everything I can to make you believe how much I love her. I will spend every day of the rest of my life trying to be even a little deserving of her love." As Chris finished his sentence he stood up as he looked back towards Ed.

"I really hope that you'll come tomorrow night, dinners at 7, I know how much she wants you there." And with that he turned and walked through the apartment and right out the door. Leaving Ed alone with his thoughts. Chris knew that now it was just a waiting game to see whether he would show.

A/N: Hey guys hope you're still enjoying the story! Sorry there was no updates yesterday I've been super busy! Please vote and comment!

A xx

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