XII-Day 11

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I still think that I was in a state of perpetual shock when I woke up in the extremely lavish suite that Austin had rented for us here in Vegas. I had just assumed that everything from the fight with Alycia to the flight to Vegas was nothing more than a dream, but the way I was cushioned in the soft mattress and wrapped in the arms of my boyfriend it was pretty apparent that this was indeed reality. I wasn't sure what it was that kept me in this state, if it was him trying to impress me even more with his money–which I had made a mental note to remind him he didn't have to do–by going above and beyond for one night or if it was how sweet he was from the time we left until we got here. Regardless, I appreciated every bit of it and felt like the luckiest girl alive to have an opportunity to experience it, especially experience it with him.

We arrived at our hotel around midnight–which was bedtime for me but clearly it was the time the Strip just started to wake up–our entrance was heavily guarded by Austin's security as we walked towards the revolving doors, the walkway to them flanked with screaming fans on both sides. I was more than nervous at first to get out with him, asking him if I should maybe wait in the back or sneak into the hotel once the fans were preoccupied with him, but he insisted that I join him and fuck let me tell you how fucking nerve-wracking it is. It's no secret that Austin's fans aren't overly accepting–nearly every girl he is seen with the majority of his fans have something to say about or don't like her–and I wasn't quite sure if I was ready for that step yet...especially since he had just made it official a few hours ago that I was his girl. But, he did an amazing job at making me feel like I was wanted there while still taking the time to make his fans feel important too. However, I did feel my heart start to race and my breathing almost cease in my throat when I heard one person ask who I was, but his answer of that's my girl as he signed the white croc they were holding out for him with a smile instantly brought me back to life and made me feel like I was floating instead of sinking into a pit of anxiety and nerves.

Everything quickly returned to normal in my body though once we stepped through the revolving doors and were out of the prying and judgmental eyes of the public, but security following our every move was something that I was going to have to get used to. I was only hoping that I could be like Austin one day who seemed to be carrying on with his life like normal, his hand clutching mine while we walked through the lobby, his arms wrapped around me from behind as he pressed sweet kisses against my lips while we were waiting for the elevator. The fact that he had an audience the entire time was something that didn't seem to faze him–or security for that matter–even though it was something that made me slightly uncomfortable despite Austin's efforts to make it feel normal.

I smiled at my mental recap of the last few hours as I turned around in his arms, a small groan leaving his lips before he slid his arm completely around my waist tugging me closer to him while I let out a quiet giggle, doing my best not to wake him. We had quite the night last night between sitting out on our balcony that overlooked the still busy strip at one in the morning drinking wine and talking while I cuddled myself in his arms, to slow dancing together in front of the large windows sharing in soft, sweet and sensual kisses and of course countless hours between the sheets making beautiful love to each other, even more beautiful that I've had with him before. There was something about the way he kissed me last night, the way he beautifully filled my aching core with his long girthy dick, the way his hands gently caressed my skin, and the way his lips navigated their way over my sweaty skin. And when we reached our peak, fuck it had me feeling like I've never felt before. My body broke out into countless tingles and my mind went completely blank while his dick pulsed against my clenching walls and his tongue danced slowly with my own as he beautifully laid on top of my quivering body. Whatever it was definitely had lasting effects because I still had butterflies in my stomach this morning.

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