1. "flirting" with my brothers best friend

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"hey ball face, having a party tonight" "thanks for telling me, excuse of a human being" "u still dont wanna join us?" tae asked his brother, what the small introvert guy retorted with a shaking head. "u and your friends are rude, annoying, drunk and stupid" "hey! we are not! just because we are a football team, doesnt mean we are stereo typical meatheads!" "u are mostly not one, but the rest behaves like one" tae scoffed. "stay boring and with a stick up your ass" "at least its more entertaining, than with u and the guys out there... by the way, breeders know what u are doing tonight?!" "they are aware, that i will throw parties, when they are away, little shit" "good to know and by the way, i will not help u cleaning up the mess tomorrow!" "we will see about that!" tae laughed and walked out of his brothers room.

jimin was fuming. as much as he loved his older brother of 3 years, he always found a way to annoy the crap out of him. and dont start with his friends. the meatheads... altho... there was taes best friend kook... jimin fell head over heels with kook the first time tae brought him home. that was years ago and now... his desire to be near him, hear him laugh or talk, was getting out of hand. he wanted to feel kooks hands on his skin, the whole body.... jimin was hugely hot for him. in fact, having that crush on kook, helped him to understand his own sexuality. but he never told anyone. not his parents and definatley not his brother. tae would only tease him, or worse. so he pined silently after the muscular guy.

the party was full on, when jimin needed something to drink. he walked carefully around drunk people dancing, stumbling, shouting, drinking, laying around, making out and whatnot and finally was near the kitchen, when a hand grabbed his butt harshly. jimin flipped around and was about to curse the guy, when a tattooed hand grabbed the guys chin and pushed him away.

"EY! this shorty is given! never touch him again!" "its a boy???? i thought its a chick, man! ewww!" "get a life and fast, or i will kick your ass, moron!" jimin looked astound at his object of all sexual dreams. kooks hand caressed his face. "u okay?" jimin could only nodd. unconsciously he wiped his mouth, because he thought he was drooling. kook gave him a sweet smile. "what u doing out here? i thought u would avoid this like the plague?!" "was thirsty" "drink, soda or something else?"


but... wait... did he really flirt with him? kook was known to be a player! he always had a different girl on his arm, the girls throw themselves onto him, he never had to move a finger.... so why would he flirt with jimin, aka a boy?!

jimins high deflated like a baloon with a hole. "soda" he mumbled, what made kooks head coming down to his level. "what was it?" taken aback, but happy nontheless, jimin said "soda" a bit louder this time. kook looked at him, gave a smile and came closer to jimins ear.

"shame, i thought u were thirsty for something else" he whispered. jimins stomach immediately dropped and bursted out in butterflies, his face felt like fire and his hands became sweaty. "thirsty... for...for... what?" he stuttered. kooks face was too close to his, he leaned his forehead onto jimins and looked michiviously. he grabbed softly jimins hand and pressed it onto his ... dingdong.

jimin didnt even flinch, he was too shocked and excited at once. in a slow motion, kook rubbed jimins hand onto him, he came back to his ear and moaned into it. jimin closed his eyes and sighed. "we should get a quieter place, dont u think?" so jimin stumbled behind him.

kook chose the upstairs bathroom, he pulled jimin into it and locked the door. he pushed the boy gently against the counter and trapped him there.

"now, since we are finally alone..." he whispered lowely and captured jimins lips. jimins hands buried themselves into kooks hair by their own and he was determind to enjoy every second of it. tho he had to tweek himself to know that this wasnt one of his dreams!

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