3. gay bombs, confessions, make outs and unwilling partners

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*hey hotshot! remember me?*


*come on... how about: my tongue was in your mouth*

*.... u a girl?*


*the fuck u are? i dont remember ever kissing a ... oh fuck! its u!*

*hey! long time no see. what u doing*

*avoiding u. what u want?!*

*wanna meet up with u*


*cause i need to ... proof a theory*

*u taking physic classes? since when? u are not smart enough for that*

*ouch! not nice. can we meet?

*what u wanna proof?*

*u will see. at 4 at the mindong park, by the basketballfield?!*

*i didnt say yes*

*fine, see u there at 4!*


tae triumphant throw his arm up in a fist and walked into his room, to get dressed better. he stormed into his room, came to a sudden stop, looked big and slowly walked back to his door and outside. there he leaned against the closed door and tried to inhale needed air.

he was shocked to say the least, very shocked indeed. on his bed were his second and third best friend, first looked like cuddling, but no. joon was rubbing his front against hobis back, his hands were no mans hands should be on another man! joon even sucked on hobis neck and the later moaned and whimpered quietly. tae couldnt get his head around it and slowly slid down his door and sat there.

kook layed next to jimin and both smiled to each other. "wow... just wow" jimin whispered satisfied. kook chuckled. "was i that good, huh?" "it was amazing! ... i never saw that in any porn i watched" "so u only watched vanilla gay porn?" "looks like it" "maybe i should get u the right porn, huh?" "what porn would that be?" jimin grinned. "hmmmm... kinda like...." kook heaved himself onto jimin. "... with stuff like that..." he kissed jimins chest and nipped at his buds. "... scenes like..." his hand cupped his balls and rubbed them, made jimins body arched up. ".... and of course this...." now kooks hand was on jimins hardened dick.

"OH MY FUCKING RAINBOW COLOURED UNICORN IN MENS CLOTHING!!!!!" a squeel put kook and jimin out of their little bubble. there stood a fuming and very shocked, again, older brother of jimins and best friend of kooks, pointing accusingly at them and covering his eyes.

"oh... fuck... tae?! it isnt how it ..." jimin fastly pushed kook from him and threw his blanket onto his naked body. kook fastly put his own clothes in order.

"..how it looks like?! are u fucking kidding, jimin?! whats fucking going on in my house?! first hope and joon and now u two too?! did somebody put a gay bomb on us at the party?!" "joon and hope?! so hope told him, that he was the "blonde" joon made out? fantastic!" jimin hopped on his bed up and down. "what u talking about?!" tae looked cofused.
kook sighed and pulled tae to sit on the bed.

"listen... i should have told u, but... i like jimin, a lot and..." "u like me?!" "WHAT THE FUCK?! HE IS MY BABY BROTHER!" "tae shut up! u really like me?!" jimin had stars in his eyes. tae looked from one to the other. "of course i do, pretty boy" they pecked each other.

"eewwwww... i gonna puke" "shut up tae" both told him off. tae rubbed his face. "now tell me whats going on here" "i am gay. surprise!" jimin said. tae grimaced. "i thought so, when i saw u two.. but why u never told me? do the breeders know?!" jimin shook his head. "since when?" "since... forever i think" "i am really disappointed at u for not telling me"

having the hots for my brothers best friend minkook/kookmin & othersWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt