5. Hicks

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Chris only planned on stopping in the break room for some coffee, but Street followed her and immediately pulled her into his arms the second the door closed and it was finally just the two of them. He had waited all of shift to get her alone, and he didn't want to waste a moment, so he kissed her.

She pulled away. "I'm here for coffee," she explained.

"The coffee will still be here in a minute," he promised and kissed her again.

"I thought we agreed to cool off for a week, since our team has been asking too many questions," she reminded him.

"No, I would never agree to take time apart from you, and besides, I haven't seen you outside of work for 4 days. You're killing me here," he whined.

"Street," she started, but he refused to let her continue talking and kissed her to keep her quiet.

Half of her brain was screaming that they should stop out of fear of getting caught any second, but the other half of her brain had missed Street so much. She couldn't believe it had only been 4 days; it felt more like 4 years without him. The half of her brain that missed Street won, and she let her hands travel up and down his toned arms. She could feel him shiver at her touch- clearly, he had been missing her, too.

"Babe, I'm taking you somewhere tomorrow," he stated.

"But what about..."

"I don't care if our friends keep asking about my mystery girlfriend. I want to hang out with my real girlfriend."

His pouty lips and pleading eyes were enough for her to agree, but truthfully, she needed a date, too, especially after she had even canceled on their breakfast date at the diner this morning.

"If someone else finds out, then more than half of our team will know. I'm not ready for...for what happens when we tell everyone. Not yet."

"We don't have to tell everyone yet. Just please, can I spend some quality time with you?" His voice sounded so desperate.

"That depends...where do you wanna go?"

"It's a surprise," he replied mischievously and kissed her again. This time, she didn't make any attempt to break away from him.

Neither of them knew how much time had passed, but after some time, they heard footsteps approaching and jumped apart.

"Deacon's old contact didn't pan out," Tan reported as he opened the fridge to grab a bottle of water.

"Okay," Chris replied as she moved towards the coffee maker.

"Since we've got time to kill, why don't you tell me just ONE thing about this girlfriend of yours. Like, where does she work?" Tan asked.

"Give it a rest, dude. I'll tell you all about her when the time is right," Street replied, sounding annoyed.

"Okay, well, my newest theory is that she's a barista. What's that barista's name? The one who works at the coffee shop a few blocks away? Amy...right? She's pretty cute and definitely into you...is Amy your girlfriend?" Tan attempted to pry.

"No, Amy is NOT my girlfriend, and she's not into me. She keeps giving her number to Chris," Street answered.

Chris smirked, because it was true...that cute barista named Amy had written her number on more than one of Chris' coffee cups.

"Alright, so it's not Amy...that's helpful in narrowing it down," Tan responded with a nod.

"Chris and I were just leaving, right?" Street asked and looked over at her.

"Yeah. We have an angle to research for the case," she said coolly and left the break room. Nervously, Street followed. "Seriously...how can you be crumbling under pressure like that?" She hissed under her breath as they walked down the hallway next to each other.

Nothing Stays Secret Too Long on SWATTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon