4. Tan

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No, Street wasn't dreaming. The sunlight filtering through the window was definitely real, which meant that Chris lying next to him was real, too. He scooted over to her side of the bed, but he didn't want to touch her in case he woke her up.

Almost instantaneously, Chris turned over to look up at him. This might be her favorite look of his with messy hair, heavily lidded eyes, and a ghost of a smile on his face with his dimples just barely starting to show.

"Morning," she said quietly.

"Morning," he replied happily and put a hand on her cheek.

She gently brushed her lips against his and repositioned herself to lay on his chest. One of his hands wrapped around her hip to keep her close while the other ran through her soft, dark hair.

"Can we stay here for a while?," she asked.

"As long as you want, babe," he promised.

"I'm still planning on swimming today. You can join me."

"Actually, I think I will, and you're gonna regret it when I race you and win," he challenged.

"You mean you're gonna lose like I totally kicked your ass on the court last night."

"I've got you in bed with me right now. I definitely think I won," he laughed.

"You're unbelievable," she responded with a playful whack.

"Well, you were pretty good last night, too."

"Shut up," she laughed. "Wait, did you say pretty good?"

"Yeah, so?" He asked with a big smile.

"So, I'll show you better than pretty good," she challenged and climbed on top of him while laughing.

He couldn't stop laughing between kisses as he silently thanked the universe for the chance to wake up next to her.


Chris was having a hard time keeping her hands to herself. She reached over and held his hand throughout the car ride to the gym. Upon arrival, she finally let his hand go when they went into separate locker rooms to change.

The pool was empty, so Chris could swim in her favorite lane, and Street chose the one next to hers. After a few warm up laps, he got out of the pool to get some water.

"That was just the warm up, and you're already tired?" she asked.

"Not tired. Just thirsty, but if I was tired, I think it would have more to do with this morning than the warm up swim," he responded slyly.

She looked around bashfully hoping no one could see that her cheeks were starting to feel warm. "Will you stop?"

He slowly lowered himself back into the pool beside her, because he didn't want to stay in his own pool lane that felt too far away from her. "I can't stop. I've never been happier, 'cause now I've got my dream girl," he finally replied and kissed her.

She swore to herself she was working up a tolerance, so that she wouldn't just melt any time he said something like that, but she had spent so long having to resist every one of his flirtatious comments, every intense gaze from him, and even those especially wide smiles that were just for her. Chris promised herself that she could get used to the way he showed how much he cares, but a small voice inside told her that was probably unlikely considering she couldn't pull away from kissing him in the pool when they were supposed to be working out.

"I wish I could take you as my date tonight," Street confessed.

"It's a police fundraiser where we'll be in a room filled with a bunch of people that can't know about us. We definitely can't arrive together."

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