3. Luca

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Chris arrived to the diner first. She sat down at their usual booth and ordered their usual breakfast in anticipation for Street's arrival. When he entered the diner, she flashed him a grin, but her face fell when she saw someone else arrive with him.

"Morning, Chris," Luca greeted as he approached the table.

"Luca, I didn't know you were coming," Chris replied.

Luca sat down across from Chris, and Street took the opportunity to file into the booth next to his girl. He figured if Luca was going to ruin his date, he would at least get to make the most of the situation by feeling her close to him.

"We haven't hung out in a few weeks, and I was more in the mood for French toast than a smoothie, so I figured I'd join you guys for breakfast," Luca explained.

"I told him that this is sort of OUR thing," Street added weakly, motioning between him and Chris.

She put a hand on Street's thigh, the movement hidden by the table, and said, "This is great. You're always welcome, Luca."

The waitress returned to the table and placed Chris and Street's coffees in front of them. Then, she took Luca's order. When she walked away, Luca asked, "So, why did you start this little breakfast ritual in the first place?"

"No reason. We like hanging out together, and we both like breakfast. It is the most important meal of the day," Chris lied.

Street covered her hand on his thigh with one of his own. Their shoulders were a whisper apart and her thigh was gently touching his. He was starting to hate that he was so close to her but had to pretend that it wasn't a big deal while his whole body was screaming to bridge the small gap and hold her in his arms.

Luckily, the conversation flowed easily among the three officers, and they were enjoying themselves. When Luca offered a bite of his French toast, Chris happily accepted. Some of the rich syrup missed her mouth and slowly dripped down towards her chin. When Street saw it, he immediately reached to clean it up, but the syrup was sticky, so he only ended up spreading it on her face further.

They were chuckling amongst themselves about the mess while he dabbed a wet napkin along the syrup-covered spot on her face. Luca observed them silently. For some reason, something seemed off about the situation in front of him, but he couldn't exactly point to it. He just continued to watch them clean Chris' face and smile brightly at each other looking like they were the only two people in the world.

And that's when it dawned on him. Street has feelings for Chris. That realization made him shift in his seat. He swore to himself he would talk to his friend later.


When Hondo was partnering the team up for assignments, Luca was a little too eager to work with Street. He figured he needed to get his roommate alone and confront him about what he saw at breakfast. But once they sat in the Dodge on the way to track down an informant, Luca was too nervous to bring it up. He promised himself that the car ride back would be the perfect time to talk, but he couldn't muster the courage.

Street stepped out of the car once they parked in the HQ parking lot.

"Wait up," Luca called as he rose from his side of the vehicle. He took a deep breath, preparing himself for what he had to say.

Street turned around and faced his friend with a raised eyebrow. "What's up?"

"I know about you and Chris," he said quietly, looking around at the empty parking lot.

"What about me and Chris?" Street tried to play it cool.

"It's all starting to make sense. You're spending all of your time with HER. Refusing to go out and meet other women because of HER."

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