Get off G's Phone!!!

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Y/n's POV:

It's 2 am and I wake up in the middle of the night due to the awful sound of G's phone buzzing. Argh. Sure she's kind of famous, but how does she deal with all the notifications and shit?! Geez, must be alot of work.

I crawl over to her phone which is greasy as heck with Cheeto crumbs and juice, silence her notifications and accidentally press on one. It transfers me to her instagram messages. Haha, the dumbass doesn't even have a passcode. Then I realise that the notification was from the oneruel dude, and I view his message.

Message oneruel

Me: Hey I'm Georgia, nice to meet you! I just had a listen to one of your songs do u wanna hOoKuP cUtIe

Oneruel: Hey! I'm good thx mommy

Oh my fucking god G is gonna kill me! But I decide to have some fun with her and reply to Ruel's message.

Me: Great, also that wasn't me lol was my friend XD

I laugh to myself, trying not to wake up Georgia. I guess I shouldn't get her into tooooo much trouble. But then again, Ruel didn't take it the wrong way so i'm good LOL

Almost instantly, I get a reply from oneruel.

Oneruel: Ahaha, she cheeky ay?

I almost expose myself by cracking up, but if I wake Georgia up my privileges of tHe PhOnE will be taken away from meh. Ill shutup then.

Me: Haha, you are talking to her rn ;)

I think I should keep talking to him, he actually doesn't seem too bad.

Again, another instant reply is propelled my way.

Oneruel: LMFAO Get off her phoneee!!

I quickly type my reply back,

Me: Nahh just a lil longer bruh

He likes my message and goes offline. Eh, maybe I should give her phone back now.

Oneruel: Well, if you wanna talk just give me your insta?

Looks like he came out of no where again. Suprizes.

Me: It's (your.insta)

Oneruel: Oki doki y/n! Now give Georgia Dyer's phone back!

I sigh and shake Georgie awake, she doesn't even open her eyes she just automatically slaps me and the face and then drowns herself in her pillow as if telling me to shutup. How original.

I reach for my phone and look through MY insta. Sure enough, there is a message request from Ruel.

Oneruel: Hey y/n...

Me: Hey! Well um, we never got to really talk properly so why don't you introduce yourself then ay?

Oneruel: Uh well you can actually find pretty much anything about me on google.

Me: Oh c'mon!

Oneruel: Uh I'm Ruel Vandijk. I play piano guitar oof im getting lazy

Me: Fine well I gtg

Oneruel: K, bye!

And then I left him on read. Ruel was a pretty nice guy, but he probably talked to hundreds of other girls who weren't me. EW WHAT AM I SAYING! Of course I don't like Ruel he is probably some stupid selfish rich brat!

But here I am messaging the guy, so what am I to say anything.

And I basically shut him down super quick, not like we connected tho...

Hey bestiessss hope you liked this chapter....its still pretty boring lolz but um yeah eNjOy!!! Also stuff WILL get better so keep reading and plssss vote cos I luv u xx Sofi

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