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Y/n's POV:

"T or D y/n?" giggles Maya, her mouth full of sour pickle flavoured jelly beans.

"Uhh- D." I reply. Hopefully this dare won't be as bad as shoving pickle jelly beans in my throat,

"Send the zucchini emoji to Zachary, and if he replies send a peach!"

Both Maya and Georgia burst out laughing, I shake my head sarcastically.

"If he is pissed at me, i'm blaming you two!" I chuckle, they sit perched either side of me, ready to pounce at my phone if I refused to send it.

"Nooooo!" I cry out as Zachary replies with a 'biting lip' face,

"Send the peach y/n hahaha" exclaims Georgia, tugging the phone from my hand and delivering the message herself. "Done!"

Next was me to G, and since she was a pretty well-known model, I was going to get her to DM a famous person, a TEEN famous person.

"T or D?" I ask.

"D obviouslyyy." she says sarcastically, holding her face in her hands as if she's bored.

"Alrighty then, give me your phone!"

"Whatcha gonna do on that tho...." Georgia sticks her face out and widens her eyes as if she knows exactly what i'm gonna do.

"Well, I'm gonna go DM," I reply, snatching the clear-cased phone out of her hand. Maya whoops,

"Yaaaaas something juicy be going on for sureee!"

Georgia dismisses her by shoving her shoulder away, I click onto instagram and scroll through her feed.

"Kid Laroi or Billie Eilish?" I cheer, G jumps up and shakes her head,


"Way too boring, Laroi's like a year younger than us and Billie is too- good!"

I give up on Laroi and Billie, and just as I am about to give up on the dare completely I scroll upon a boy. He was tall, skinny and had golden curtains framing his face.

"Hmm, what about..oneruel?" I mutter, wiggling my eyebrows at Georgie. She takes a look at his pic and slightly nods her head.

"Dunno who that is, so okay, but don't send anything too bad."

I nod back.

Message oneruel:

Hey I'm Georgia, nice to meet you! I just had a listen to one of your songs do u wanna hOoKuP cUtIe


CKA!" screeches Georgia, yanking the phone out of my hands and staring at the message, "If he sees this..."

"He's kinda cute," I interrupt her. I don't know who he is.

"Holy fuck you pork chop he's got 900k fOlLoWeRs!" she squels again, "How eMBARRASING"

For the rest of the night we laugh our asses off and eat rotten food (as a dare ofc) so, you get the idea.

Ruel's POV:

It's 2:00 am at night and i'm just scrolling through my insta page. Cute girls, puppies, food, cute girls. I can hear Coco's netflix over the sound of my airpods, annoying. I decide to go and check my messages, 505 of them.

"Clare Donnovan: Hey daddy-" I read aloud. Fuck. What the actual heck do people say to me these days.

After a few minutes of "daddy" messages and some SiMpS I found one verified person.

"Georgia Dyer." I say, embarrassingly loud. I click on her profile and get overwhelmed by many posts of her singing, dancing and taking selfies. She has short, white blonde wavy hair that reaches up to her shoulder and baby blue eyes. She has dark but perfectly shaped eyebrows and light tan skin. I gotta admit, she's pretty cute.

I finally decide to go and reply to her message, but before I do I read the last part 'do u wanna hOoKuP cUtIe' and chuckle to myself. Well, at least she got some humor.

Message georgiadyer_

Hey! I'm good thx mommy

I weirdly smile to myself then chuck my phone across the bed, get up and walk downstairs to refill my marshmallow bowl. nEvEr EnOuGh!

Yo whats up guys! This chapter is a lil boring but I promise stuff will get jUiCy soon! I don't expect many reads but if yes, THANKSSS! <3

Also, ruel will come in more soon, will update soon! Xx 

Dazed and Confused - Ruel Fan FictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora