oh brother

18 1 1

?? POV
As I was walking out of school after a long day going to board the bus. When a group of girls started to scream with exitment. As I was about to board the bus I heard the girls talk to me.
"Oh your soooo lucky you get to be on a bus with kindle." One blonde said to me.
"Ugh I don't see what everyone sees in that guy. He's a rude jerk." I said crossing my arms.
The girls gasped.
"Uh kindle is the hottest and most dreamyist guy in the whole school." The girl said getting softer and softer with each word.
"PSH" I stifled a laugh."dreamy hot did you have a cup of crazy this morning." I said as I boarded the bus leaving the girls to glare at me.
When I sat down in the only seat available I set my book bag down.
"Ooph" came a voice from next to me.
I looked over to where I set my bag and a certain someone was there.
"Oh great" I said removeibg my bag from his face.
"Yup still a jerk face I see" as I put my book in my bag.
"Whatever"he mumbled.
I smiled in victory.
He frowned and mumbled something about archenemy and stupid friends and love?
I just sat there and got comfy thinking about what he said.
Until I was rudely pushed out of the seat loseing my train of thought.
As I sat on the middle of the floor of the bus my face got red with anger.
"Its my stop" he said calmly getting his things and moving out of his seat.
As I got up I had a brilliant idea. A smerk came to my face when he got out of the seat.
"What are you smerking at you creep-" he never got to finish that sentence because I tripped him and he fell on his beautiful face. Note the sarcasm.
His face got red and he stomped off the bus. I think he was plotting revenge but I didn't care I was laughing so hard.

When I got back in my seat it was almost my stop. Cause the bus driver doesn't care what happens as long as he gets to go home by 8.
Then when I walked in the door a horror dawned on me.
1) my little sister was having a sleep over with 10 other three year olds.
2) I just made a guy made who's pranks are always better than mine.
3) I just admitted his pranks are better than mine.
I stomped up very quickly I might add to my room.
I laid on my bed and sat there thinking of ways he could get revenge on me.
"MICRO DINNER"my mom said.
"Coming" I mumbled.
My mom is a joke. She think she's Mc.shizzle or something.
I think she's cool.
O-over rated
O- out of style
I tell her it all the time but she doesn't know what it means.
As I tumble down the stairs in dispare my sisters friends race past me like i wasnt there. Making ten thousand diffremt sounds at once. Which will make it hard for me to sleep tonight.
"Mooooom can't I have a friend over I feel outnumbered." I asked reaching the table with eleven giggling three year olds.
"Its a school night" my mom says.
" I won't get much sleep with them here anyway." I complain.
"Whatever just no boys" my mom said.
"Yesss" I said while I went and called my friend hady.
After dinner hady came over and we went straight to my room with snacks and soda.
"So I heard you had a rough bus ride with buttmuncher idiotic moron." Hady said.
" wow news really does travel fast." I said laughing.
"Yeah that's what happens. But i heard you trppied him and he fell on his face and blushed really hard."hady giggled

"His face was red with anger I'm sure he wasnt blushing." I said with a laugh.
"Are you sure cause what happens if he's bashful about getting tripped by the royalm highness of opening a can of whoop-@$$." She said laughing.
"Yeah right"I said.
"Oh I'm sooo embarrasses that the royal highness had time to trip me." She said pretandimg to be kindle.
We burst out laughing. The night went on like that.
I woke up the next morning to the eleven girls screaming around the house.
I got on the bus happy but nervous that kindle wasn't on.
What happens if he has such an evil pay back that he couldn't come on the bus without laughing. Not that I've seen him laugh but I'm sure he does. But then again he might not. Whatever just focus on whatever the hay hady is saying.
"-so then we laughed an laughed about it all day long." Hady finished.
"Uh awesome" I said.
She must've realized that I wasn't paying attention to a word she said cause her face got serious.
"Hey don't worry about kindle im sure he just caught the plague and only wanted to give it to you so he didn't ride the bus. No big deal." She said jokinly.
"Nice help mouse brain." I said laughing at the rediculous thought.
We arrived at school in a short time.
We went to our lockers to go to chemistry for 1st period. Which doesn't include kundle thank god.
We had fun in chemistry making stuff and all.
Then came social studies. The horrid creature. Kindle was in this class.
Hady was too thank god. Even though this was the last class she had with me today besides lunch and physical education.
We sat down in our assianed seats. Which I might add are right next to each other.
Then kindle walked in. When class was about to start too.
He sat down across the room and glared at me.
Then there was a magical note on my desk.
Meet me in the laundry room after school :-/
Well I wasn't too happy about that. I sighed and crumpled up the note and looked at the clock. This was going to be a long day.

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