Chapter 7: Two Months Later

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"It's going to be at least one in those locations," he ignored your complaint, "I already got to go check up on our Megumi-chan, so I can't go and check up on you, so don't cause me to hear anything more from the higher-ups, alright? I'll tell you what I told Megumi; don't come home till you find it~."

"You're a sadistic ba—"

You were rendered silent by the beep of the call being ended.

Heaving a sigh, you hauled yourself off the couch, muttering and grumbling as you left the room. Megumi hadn't returned last night, so you could only assume something had held him up, but it turns out it was just Gojo keeping him busy. This was such a nuisance too. Sending you out on a Friday, of all things. You would miss the next chapter of that manga you've been putting off. Possibly get spoiled. Guess no internet scrolling for you...

"Aha! [Name]!"

Stopping, you turned to see that Panda had again shown up before you, stubby legs carrying him quickly across the hall to cover the distance between you.

"Are you going out on your mission already?" he asked.

You gave a nod. "Yeah, I figured I should get going and start searching before it gets dark. I got to cover a lot of ground. I want to be back by the end of the weekend."

Panda blinked owlishly, "Isn't this your third mission alone?"

"Apparently, I'm reliable enough to do this much work now. Tell Inumaki-san I'll return his kanji dictionary when I return."

"Alright, I'll make sure to tell him, but I stopped you because I just found out from Maki that something came in from Yuta!"

You paused briefly before replying. "Is it really that exciting to get word from him?"

Panda didn't skip a beat in replying, "Oh, no! He rarely gives any updates! Haven't heard from him since he left!"

There was no way for you to know what to make of that when he proclaimed it so merrily.

"But that's beside the point!" he continued, smiling. "Gojo got something sent to him by Yuta, and he gave it to Maki. Yuta said in his note that it was for you, and Maki should do him a favor and teach you how to use it."

Being a little bold there, asking her for a favor there, Yuta. But you supposed that she was all wrapped around his finger even if she'd never admit it, so she'd agree to whatever the favor entailed.

"Is that right...?" you muttered, wondering what he sent before filing it away to ponder later on the train ride. "Thanks for letting me know. I'll see Maki as soon as I can when she's not busy and when I return. I'll catch you later, Senpai."

Panda waved goodbye, "Good luck!"

Now, to search for that damn finger you've been hearing so much about lately.


Given that two schools covered the greater mainland of Japan, it would fall onto the Tokyo sect to oversee and take care of any jujutsu business close to the island's northern part. While Gojo had sent Megumi to Sendai, you would have to go up even more, North, closer to the western coastal prefectures in your search for Sukuna's finger. It was only rumored that it could be in Akita, and it would be that speculation was wrong, as you could not find that damn finger for your life. After doing some sleuthing on your own, you exhausted your search in Akita prefecture and moved on to the next: Aomori.

And again, no finger in Aomori—or should you say no finger in Aomori city, but a sizable number of curses you exorcised on your way out of the city after spending the night there. Gojo sent you a picture of what looked like an annoyed and bloody Megumi, but you didn't really want to ask until you got the story from the former. He hated when Gojo expanded on his misfortune, so you'd rather avoid possible bickering later.

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