
I can hear them. That voice, it was them.

"I'M HERE!" I yelled back

I can hear them! I can hear which direction they are now! I start running through a long passageway when I hear my name much louder and closer.


My run turned into a sprint as I turned the corner to see Bernard running towards me.

"BERNARD! I yelled.

"ANNA!" He yelled back.

We started running towards each other, and as we both came to meet each other, we were both out of breath. Bernard then starts to tell me

"You *gasp* gotta come quick! Men *gasp* hurt!" He said while trying to catch his breath.

He immediately grabs my hand and starts to lead me to another hall. I then started to worry as I didn't know who was hurt within the group. Bernard guided us through the tomb as quickly as possible and when we got closer, a murmur of voices started getting louder and more distinct. We reached the end of a narrow hallway when we see David and Isaac trying to carry wounded men on their backs.

"Hurry! We gotta get them help!" Said Isaac.

"I can only go so fast Isaac!" Responded David.

"Oh my god! What happened!?" I said as I ran towards the two to see what had happened.

"Anna! Thank God you're here! The diggers got sprayed with something and their faces started to melt!" Said Isaac in a panic.

"I think it was some ancient egyptian trap!" Explained David.

I went to see the diggers faces and when I lifted one of their heads, I could tell the skin on their faces were sloughing off of their skull. I didn't want to waste any time

"Oh shit! We gotta take them out of here! How many more are back there?!" I asked.

"There's one more back there!" Said David.

I then grabbed Bernard and said, "Bernard, you know the layout of this place better than I do, go and grab the last man and bring him back to my tent now!" And with no hesitation Bernard makes his way to grab the last digger.

"David, Isaac, lets go! We need to get them out of here now!" I yelled.

Issac took the initiative and started leading the way out through the tomb.

"This way, I'll guide us outta here!" Isaac said.

We all follow Issac through the tomb, as we make our way back to my tent. Turning on sharp corners and speeding through long hallways, we eventually made it out of the tomb. Once we made it to the surface, we started to sprint towards the tent.

"I need one on the table and the other on the hammock!" I directed.

Isaac and David following my direction, placed the two men on each surface, which gave me time to put my hair in a ponytail. I grabbed an oil lamp and hung it to the top bar of the tent to get better lighting. I then assessed the two men to see which one was more critical. It was obvious that I could only do so much at one time and with what little supplies we had as it was. I then started instructing Isaac and David to place a blanket on the two men and start grabbing me supplies to try and get whatever it is off of their faces.

It wasn't long after that Bernard showed up, with the last man he's carrying on his back.

"Anna! He's dead!" said Bernard.

I grabbed my stethoscope to assess the man Bernard carried in, I placed the end of the stethoscope on his chest to confirm that he was indeed dead. I took off my stethoscope and asked Bernard to take the corpse inside so that I could take a better look at what we were dealing with.

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