Shes gone

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" hey ima take this call " the bleached haired blond said while walking out of the white haired males room. The blond male answered his phone to see his twins name on the displayed contact. " what's up' samu? Did you need something?" He asks while leaning against the apartment complex's white wall. " it's ma... she's gone, she left us... she wanted to see you, but she didn't make it long enough to see you this weekend. I'm sorry tsumu..." The blond boys gray haired brother spoke with a sniffle every couple of seconds. " no... your kidding... right? She didn't leave your just pulling my leg... mama wouldn't leave me, right 'samu?" The blond spoke with tears flooding down his rosy cheeks onto his yellow 'Nirvana'  sweat shirt. " I wish I was kidding Atsumu...  please come by on Tuesday next week to come see me.. I miss you, suna misses you, and I need you right now.." osamu spoke through the phone. " I love you, get well soon.. please come over if you have a chance to." Osamu added as he hung up with Atsumu. The blond pushed himself off of the plain white wall and started to walk to his apartment. He noticed a tall figure walking on the opposite side of the hallway. It was no other then his dear teammate, Sakusa Kiyoomi. " Miya? Are you ok? You seem to be crying, quite a bit. Did something happen?"  The curly haired ravenette spoke stoping himself and Atsumu in the hallway. " my mother... she's gone." Atsumu said with his head facing down towards the ground. He couldn't show his face because of his damn ego, he thought he seemed pathetic especially to the man he crush on ever since training camp in his 2nd year of high school.

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