"Why should I trust you? Many of your kind have slain us!" The dragon sneered at him, "I'm not like them, you can believe me! Hurry, they'll be here any minute." 

The dragon thought for a while, he then nodded his head allowing Mongolia to support him and walk far away from the kingdom. Back then, Mongolia had a small post with a tower next to it near the kingdom. He laid him on the bed and took off the dragon's clothes. "Yikes, those are awful wounds, better clean them up."

He added a cleaning agent to a white cloth and began removing the dirt and debris. The dragon hissed in slight pain and he treated him more carefully. Once cleansed he patched him up with a bandage and smiled at his work.

"There, all better now, are you feeling alright? No illness or pain?" A small smile could be seen on the dragon's face, he turned to him before answering, "Y-Yes, I'm alright now, thanks to you. Sorry, I'm not used to being treated with this much kindness, especially from a... Human."

"No problem, friend, I understand everything. You should stay here until all your gashes are healed." Pulling out thick sheets from the closet, he puts them on his new companion. "May I ask how you got into this situation?"

"I was visiting the mainland only for a short while, there is a festival going on in the city with lots of shiny lights. I was having fun... Until my identity was revealed..." He swayed his tail.

"Ah, you must mean Lunar New Year, it's a celebration that only happens once a year. Have you come here alone?" The dragon nodded his head, "Yes, no other dragons are with me."

"Lunar New Year is a festival meant to be celebrated with family. Why didn't you bring yours?" Mongolia was very curious of him, dragons always intrigued him and he always wished to meet one since he was little.

"I'm not sure that's a wise idea. I wouldn't want to bring my family in danger. What about you? Everyone seems to be in the kingdom, you are the only one outside." Mongolia's face saddened, family and relatives were a heavy subject for him. "That is not important... Say, I haven't introduced myself... My name is Mongolia." He offered his hand to shake.

The dragon stared before accepting, "Nice to meet you, my name is Ru..."

Right at the moment his name could be said, Mongolia awakened from his dream. He instantly got up and looked around, realizing he was still at home he crashed back to bed again. "I guess I'm still thinking about my home... Or maybe... About him?" He wasn't completely sure. After doing some stretches, he stepped outside of the wooden house covered in wool.

He looked around the area, his herds were fine, and his crops were continually growing, but there was one thing off. There was no sign of the fresh dragon trace, "Strange... No dead lamb... Was the dragon full with something else? I better go check..."

Now it wasn't his business to meddle with dragons, he found it odd that the dragon didn't eat anything tonight. Checking the forest he observed the trees and tall shrubs, suspiciously, but no trace of the dragon, yet.

A sound came from somewhere, the voice of people. He ran to the source of the loud noise, it led him to 5 people cornering someone. "*Clears Throat* What are you boys doing here?" 

The people turned around and saw Mongolia standing there watching them, "I thought I told you all to stay out of these woods," he said with his arms crossed. One of the men chuckled, "We'll be out of your hair soon, we just gotta take care of something."

They all reverted their attention back to whatever they were looking at. "What is that you are looking at?" He peeked through them. "None of your business," One of them shouted.

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